Genuine question, loving SoD but was wandering if it will ever progress to the point new races will be added? Be it through SoD adding races we eventually get or even adding complete new ones never seen before like Ogres for Horde?.
Don’t get me wrong, I do enjoy the 8 original races played all of them to death, just I’d love something new to spice it up a little. Incentivise creating an alt or new main.
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I always thought with SoD we’d get all the classic classes with more racial choices. High Elves for Alliance and Blood Elves for the Horde would make a lot of sense for example. Not all High Elves died. Just go to DM library and see for yourself.
Dwarves being mages, shamans, and warlocks, human and gnome hunters also, as well as all as high Elves and gnome pallys, NE shamans would also make sense.
I’m also not saying give us Northrend, but realistically, it could have been added and nerfed for lvl 70 for example. Stormwind harbor would make so much sense and make travel easier between continents. Kharazan for lvl 60 instead of 70 also. Add the crypts, but include the whole dungeon. They could also add Uldum as a lvl 70 raid in the same manner.
Caverns of Time could have easily been added and adjusted to lvl 30-40 so players could choose between CoT and SM. That would be cool in its own right.
Mount Hyjal as it was after the war would also be amazing.
Azhara is weeping for more content. More Timbermaw quests after reaching friendly rep would make leveling and rep farm much more fun and interesting, especially in Azhara and Winterspring.
Thousand Needles sucks for Alliance. There’s really not much to do there, even though it’s a great place to lvl from 30-35. But that’s it. They could give us actual races in the same manner we get to control little DMF remote control car, or like that dragon for Seal of Ascension, we could control a race car in a similar manner and participate in a race tournament.
That’s off the top of my head, but it is Season of Discovery for a reason, and it could be so much more.
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Shimmering flats would be a great place for some new races.
The arrival or Blood Elves and Draenei should be a bigger deal.
A huge star fell out of the sky. Shoudn’t this begin a story line where the heroes go to azuremyst island and investigate? Something like this could reasonably give us new quests, a new faction and dungeon.
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