Will Shadowlands be the final WoW expansion?

N’zoth yes, but Yogg and C’thun not nessisarily, we defeated them, defeated their physical forms at the time lorewise, but not destroyed em… that’s why Cho’gall was trying to bring back C’thun because C’thun isn’t dead but rather they are still there waiting to be summoned.

As for Yogg’Saron, proof of them still being alive was during Legion When We along with Brann Bronzebeard and Khadgar traveled to Ulduar to meet Magni, and we were attacked by faceless ones and Yogg-Saron whispered into all of our minds.

Also the Nightmare Corruption in Val’sharah and the Emerald Nightmare we dealed with during Legion was apparently Yogg-Saron’s doing according to Xal’atath as they whisper to priests “To see Yogg-Saron’s nightmare in full bloom fills me with jealousy… and some pride.”

It was confirmed/retconned in 8.3 that they’re all dead.

No, as long as WoW is a profitable game, it will keep making expansions.

Source: Everquest and it’s 24 or so expansions despite being forgotten.

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I’m actually optimistic about SL precisely because it isn’t a rehash of a prior expansion (Legion and WoD were both riffs on BC for some reason), and the sooner the game forgets about the events of the RTS games, the better. Never, ever liked those. So when they call back to them, it flies straight over my head.

Watched a game of WC3 and liked the night elves aesthetic though (which in turn drew me to this), but I think I’m as bad at RTS as I am first person shooters, which is to say, I’m completely and utterly inept. I remember really wanting to like Starcraft but after like stage 3 I just started cheating to see the campaign then uninstalled. But I digress.

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Shadowlands is just the tip of the iceberg. What awaits us there will open the door to many other extremes, such as the source of the void and the light, and why the Fel wanted to intervene. We could explore the history of the titans and why they play an integral part of the WoW universe.

Knowing that other planets exist with life, we could explore those as well.

Perhaps we could travel far into the future… or deep into the past.

As some have already said, it will depend on how good the expansion is and what Blizz learns from BfA. If they keep being stubborn on certain things, and making everything about RNG and tedious time gated grinds, it could very well be. If they however make the game about fun, and stop focusing so much on time played metrics, it could very well be enough to keep WoW alive.

One can only hope :rofl:

Nah wow will end when it stops making money. But yeah I do see your point after shadowlands then what? I feel blizzard messed up big time when the shoved azshara and n’zoth into one half of a expansion.

Do people just not learn the lore? There is still the Void Lord threat

Let’s say N’zoth and Azshara got their own expansions, combined with SL that’s 3 more expansions and then this thread would be here again :man_shrugging:

It’s like you said though

and I’ll never switch to a WoW2 if 100% of my collection from wow1 doesn’t transfer over. Then there’s sentimental players, if xxHordePwn3rxx can’t transfer his character he’s not coming, Sephiroth will never leave his server he’s played on since vanilla. No matter what choice Blizzard makes they’ll split the community with wow2.

No. Next question!

Technically we still have thousands of Old gods to kill, and seeing as Old gods seem to communicate through Psionic hiveminds it wouldn’t be illogical to assume our killing the four on our own planet will have alerted the rest not only to our planet’s titan soul Azeroth, but also the danger she presents to the remaining swarms of Old gods across the cosmos. Seeing as it is their meaning for existence these will no doubt swarm in droves to complete their purpose of corrupting a particularly powerful world soul.

Beyond this: Anduin is being subtly set up for a possible dark self Antithesis story plot line, Sargeras is not really “dead” and just contained and had some role in Shadowlands as well as WOTLK and may return, The Void lord cannot truly die and thus can be setup as recurring story villains, etc.

They did just pull the Jailer out of thin air. And there’s still the Void Lords to consider. Plus they can always do a time skip and “reset” our threat back down to smaller concerns.

No, the final expansion will be where lightforged Sargeras defeats the big, bad Void Lords with Elune’s help 4 expansions from now.

You mean Azeroth cause she is apparently the strongest titan ever.



Once all the WoW addicts die off they’ll stop developing it, because the game hardly attracts any new players.

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Not at all. Theres soooo much to see and do still. Things are getting better with every xpac. And the majority feel this way.

Its the bitter players who are jaded from not having fun that blame the game.

Dont be bitter because most of us enjoy WOW and all it contains. Dont like it? QUIT. No one wants to read crybaby posts. I hope WOW is around for decades. And maybe one day, they will start banning the worst of playerbase. But until then, thanks to my trusty ignore list, I’m able to enjoy WOW :slight_smile: and always will.

Too many loopholes stille open.

  1. The Light has recently been cemented as a definite threat.
  2. The void lords - we have yet to fight an actual void lord
  3. Aszhara - we didn’t kill her, she went off to continue her grand scheme
  4. The First Ones - being introduced in Shadowlands lore
  5. Elune - we know almost nothing of her true nature