Has Blizzard mentioned if the new quests being added to classic will be considered canon or not?
Everything is canon… until it isn’t.
Shhh don’t give them any ideas.
You mean like Turtle WoW Lore?
It’s probably its own thing.
Not even sure if there is any lore to Season of Discovery, really.
From what I understand its being presented as a WoW Classic with unique gamerules and playstyle, not sure if there’s any real lore attached to it.
Of the bits I saw it claims that Northshire had a trove of arcane knowledge before being stolen by Defias. So that is certainly some new background lore if canon.
I would basically suggest we consider there to be a Modern Timeline, and a Classic Timeline. The two diverged at the start of Classic. Anything they do for Classic is its own continuity.
Danuser had it first…
I would honestly treat Season of Discovery to be its own canon. Much like the Warcraft movie.
That said, some things from SoD could bleed its way into the main canon retroactively. Just like how Blizzard used the name of Movie Varians mother for his main timeline counterparts mother. Or how things from WoD’s AU timeline bleeded its way into the MU. Such as Gul’dans backstory prior to being Ner’zhuls student.
I’d almost use it similar to Hearthstone. Similar to what others have said, nothing is particularly canon but damn would there probably be some cool ideas in there to lift.
Im thinking of the Ashenvale PvP events they’re doing. Was it ever explicitly stated in Classic about all this back and forth fighting? Yes and no. There some quests that had you assault an opposing faction’s area, the tone was there, but nothing really was shown as far as what day to day could look like. Now, we get to see some of the actual fighting. It doesn’t contradict canon at all, but certainly enhances whats already there.
Being I am not really interested in classic can you share some of these quests?
Im not on SoD yet, probably wont, but this is what they said they’re implementing: https://youtu.be/B1rcs9mmf-s?si=PfrZRPXX74oBS01E&t=1742
Some of the old quests Im referencing is something like this: