Will S3 gladiator cutoff rating change due to dqs?

here’s to nothing brother…


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We can all feel the frozen wind coming from the north… however, i still don’t see any answer or final cutoff coming.

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Fun game :slight_smile:

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Winter is coming…and so is the s3 ladder cleanup

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Keeping this bumped. Win traders still not banned

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what is more important…this thread or the thread of the guy that always invites 1 warrior to his mgt hc runs and they thank him at the end?..

At this point I just want this post to keep going even at wotlk just for the meme.

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Sadly blizzard games have had no credibility in years, almost a decade actually.

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This is what I’m doing

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There is no prestige in mmorpg pvp

Posted from your alt char of course

every player is dealing with diceroll resists, every player past 2k basically has bis gear, saying it doesn’t take skill to push glad/r1 is such a “sour grapes” argument. now if u say tbc rogues are busted maybe you’re getting somewhere


still waiting for a minimal ladder cleanup


Not going anywhere for a while? Grab a Snickers…


Good Morning !
What a beautifull week it is to perform a s3 ladder cleaning ! I hope you all enjoy your ladder cleaning. There are only 4 cleaning every years so make sure to get the best out of it <3


Sad thing is, there could be and it would not be hard to fix a game like TBC or Wrath.
You don’t need to have PVE / PVP specific values to do it either; that’s the retail way and its 100% failed every time its tried.

The real solution is a little more sophisticated, but this is why you employ a GAME DESIGNER, not just expect zugzug dev’s to kinda sorta rollercoaster it til last patch.

The thing about game design is that its a job that is somewhat thankless, difficult, and requires you divorce your self from your favorite class because even though that’s your fav… You cannot play favorites anymore because they’re all your babies.

any bumpers in the chat?


Dude ur not getting it, season 4 is almost over man.

Ignore Wwx, man keeps coming in here to spread bad vibes and is salty for no reason. I respect that you guys are still looking for answers


bruh what is wrong with you