Will S3 gladiator cutoff rating change due to dqs?

There were a lot of ineligible teams across all regions and all brackets taking gladiator spots in season 3. In season 1 and 2 glad cutoff rating was always lowered after the season ended due to disqualifications or ineligible teams being removed from the count. There has been no response on the matter which is why I keep bumping this thread. This probably effects at least 50-100 teams across all regions and the integrity of the ladder.


I can’t beleive that a full season has passed and we are still being ignored even if this post is being bumped daily.

Don’t count on me for Wotlk, i gave up on this game.


We should do something about this.


Seems a lil suspect that they did literally nothing… Perhaps some of the dev’s wanted to protect their bought titles?


In season4, 51% of gladiators teams in 3v3 brakets have bought +100 points boost.
This is clearly link to the lack of ban/dqs of season3.

I can’t find the words to describe how bad this situation has been handled and how frustrating it is for the legit players that loved the game that are left over.

I wish i could express this to any blizzard employee that cares about the game. Sadly, i can’t… I am forced to post on forum that are not read or open a ticket to someone that doesn’t even know the correct date for the end of a season neither the correct bracket cutoff…


I got glad in s4…still looking for s3 glad mount though blizz…pls still keep this on the radar :rofl:


Gratz for the s4 glad.
Curious to see if there is any cutoff adjustement in this season or not… I think i’ll be angry in both case but still curious to see.

Why can’t they clean s3 ladder the data are still there in the official API…

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I’ll be more sad if ladder cleanup occurs for s4. S3 kinda disregarded and left in the dust.


Agreed. But if there is no cleaning in s4 this will be a terrible sign for wotlk …

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Let this be the new standard at least we know what to expect rather than guessing for ourselves.

Sent this to blizz as last ditch effort. You guys are amazing for keeping this topic open. Let there be Justice! Or just literally a blue post on this forum…

“I know the kid with make-a-wish got the alar mount that one time. I am not dying but please listen to your community and fix the S3 vengeful ladder and give out the just rewards for each bracket and DQ the boosters/ineligible teams so the people who tried their hearts out get their mounts. Some of us devote what small free time we have to this game like ive done for 17 years. Will S3 gladiator cutoff rating change due to dqs? - #27 by Pambeazley-faerlina. Please help us thx.”


I love it <3

Wrath is out in a couple weeks, why would they change anything from season 3 now?

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Why wouldn’t they do what they did in s1 and s2 and apply it to s3 as well… Same could be said for s4 as well but there has been no communication on the matter. What should happen in your view?

How do you know anything even needed to be done for s3 or s4? If there was, they would have already corrected it

A response would be nice. The first time in tbc history no glad rating cutoff change in all brackets and all regions. Just looking for some form of communication from blizz.


of course they needed to at least remove the empty teams with players that have 1k rating in a team with 2k8+ rating… but nothing has been done and empty teams are still taking s3 glad slot… in every bracket… in every region… that only is quite a few players impacted and not so hard to fix

Not the first time and not the last. You just have to live with this kind of stuff from Blizzard or find a different game.

My first Rank 1 got stolen by cheaters win-trading with their own accounts and Blizzard threatened to ban me if I kept posting about it.

If you have an arena rewards problem and it isn’t fixed in like ~2 weeks it will never get looked at again. Very unfortunate.

So will blizzard care about the integrity of the end of season awards in wotlk!?

Stay tuned to find out on todays episode of Dragon Ball: Z!!!
