Will restoring same name character prompt rename in Classic?

Additional information gathered:

Vrakthris: If the character was deleted within the last 30 days, no. Otherwise, the system should flag the character you are trying to restore with a name change. - https://us.battle.net/forums/en/wow/topic/20745354364#post-4

Vrakthris: …that outside of that 30 days you should be able to restore the character and the conflict should simply flag the restored character for a name change. I did state in the second paragraph that the character wasn’t deleted in the last 30 days so shouldn’t be having that issue. So to be clear, if it has been over 30 days since a character was deleted you should be able to restore it even if there is a naming conflict. The system will flag the character you are restoring so that you can rename it when you log into that character for the first time to resolve that naming conflict. - https://us.battle.net/forums/en/wow/topic/19878357639#post-5

I’m contemplating about deleting my character and starting fresh. I’m concerned that if I would like to restore the deleted character later that I would be able to despite the name being used by me. Can what Vrakthris says be confirmed?

Thank you.

That changed. People were abusing the ability to get free name changes.

If you attempt to restore a character with the same name as an active one, you are unable to.

If you want to restore the old one, you will need to either delete your new one, or name change the new one if you don’t want to delete it.

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Since we can’t name change in Classic and I want to use the name of the character - by doing so, I am giving up the ability to ever restore the deleted character forever?

Currently, yes. In the future, unknown. They may eventually allow name changes :slight_smile:

But if you are extremely set on being able to restore that character, with that name, in the future… you probably don’t want to make a new one with that name.

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