Will people care if I raid in conq gear?

I’m max honor gear maxed conq this week and I’d like to raid for fun I’m a healer too so I feel like people care less long as no one dies

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This is likely true!. Are you in full conq gear? Are you going to OOM mid-way through fights?

You probably know your gear and your skill better than anyone else. If it’s a group of randoms in a PuG, people might say something, but I guess you can cross that bridge whenever you get to it.


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I don’t oom bad in huge bgs and I’m full spirit gear, nobody is full conq I’m just maxed at 8k which was 3 pieces and I’m 354 ilvl I think as long as I make clear that I’m doing for the exp and not the gear they wouldn’t mind imma try this weekend seems like a fun raid

WoWhead’s pre-raid bis list for hunters has 2 pieces of conq gear…

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