Will Nzoth and Jaina mounts be 100% Drop rate during/After pre patch?

Hi All,
I am sorry if this was covered, but I cannot find specific information

I’ve read below article, and mounts are listed on the 3rd tab, which makes me unsure to believe that these mounts are still 100% drop during the prepatch.

Can someone confirm this? it matters for guilds that are still farming the mounts?

Please help, thanks


They’ll drop to 0.1% or lower.


do you know if blue confirmed this? other friends that say this, are unsure still, hopefully looking for a mod to reconfirm

and just to reiterate, I am referring to specifically during pre patch, not after SL launches 10/27


That’s not true, Mythic mounts usually go to 1% when the expansion launches, not for pre-patch. Cutting Edge disappears with pre-patch.

However, I would LOVE a blue confirmation on which way it’s going to be, this time.


yeah thats what I want to believe too, that it drops to 1% only after SL launches

just want see other peoples opinion, see, I am in the middle of making a decision to get a carry, or wait it out from my guild. we needed some more time


It happens every new expansion.

During the expansion, you have to push your gear and skill, and find a good group, and when you FINALLY down the boss, a mount (per raid, probably) is 100% dropped.

Next expansion, you’ve gained ten levels and doubled your iLvl. You can solo most bosses (barring a few weird mechanics that need a second player).

So why would they keep it 100% drop?

Note I’m saying this as an average player, one who doesn’t do Mythic (and avoids even normal). So it’s just like every other drop in Legacy.

Unless it’s a true prestige thing, and removed altogether.


The difference, Taurettes, is whether it goes to 1% on pre-patch or on Shadowlands launch, that’s the OP’s question.


Sorry friend, you’re missing the point, I’ve tried to say it a few times.
I am sking during the pre patch, before SL launches.
Not afterwards, it’s clear that it can’t and won’t be 100% after 10/27 when SL is here.

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Honestly the Blizzard article is just not detailed:

When you sail away from Battle for Azeroth, the current guaranteed drop rate for the Glacial Tidestorm and Ny’alotha Allseer mounts will significantly decrease, and the amount of dropped mounts will decrease to one (currently two).

This implies mounts are 100% until Shadowlands launch, but only because of the “when you sail away from the Battle for Azeroth” line.

Please note that the corresponding Cutting Edge: N’Zoth the Corruptor achievement will no longer be available to earn once Shadowlands goes live.

On the other hand, this is almost certainly WRONG since Cutting Edge always gets removed with pre-patch, not expansion launch.

Confirmation from Blizzard would be good.

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exactly!! I hope a blue can confirm this <3


The % change increase is under the “Difficulty increases when Shadowlands Launch” tab. So I’d assume it’s when shadowlands launches.

IIRC that’s how it was for Gul’dan’s mount too, and Argus’s.

Its going to be prepatch because the level squish will make raid content far easier.

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Squishes have always made select bosses impossible, actually, as with the squish making Garrosh impossible on pre-patch day, and the squish making Aggramar impossible on pre-patch day.

Blizzard fixes these within 24 hours, but no, squish makes things harder, not easier. At least at first.

Ya… they’re going to have to nerf these encounters with corruption evaporating…

If they follow what they did in previous expansions, the mounts will be 100% until the launch of Shadowlands. So they will still be 100% throughout pre-patch.

Also… they shouldn’t link the fatboss TV guide there… They should’ve linked the jaina cheese strat guide instead…

Then again… maybe I shouldn’t talk about that…

@Blizzard Mod, please help to advise if there can be some clarification made here

They have been 100% drop rate in every pre-patch since MoP. Don’t see why they would change it now.

mmmm, I hope you’re right.

Sorry, misread!