Will my covenant choice affect my average level of play?

Hey guys. I have recently come over after years of playing FFXIV and I’m a bit overwhelmed with the choice of my covenant affecting my ability to clear content. If you don’t know once you’ve picked your class in FFXIV there are no more choices to make, not even talents. After finishing leveling my Restoration Druid I chose the Necrolord covenant because I thought they were the coolest, but a buddy who plays WoW gave me a guide to look at and it made it seem like Night Fae was the only viable option for Druid. Now I’m not planning on being a world’s first raider, but im FF I consistently clear every savage tier and have cleared a couple of ultimate fights; that’s the level of content im looking to do in WoW. So with that in mind should I swap my choice before I get further invested in the Necrolords or will I be able to make it work? Cheers.


i would choose the one you like the most - especially cosmetically, since armor choices/mount/pet flavor are unique to each one…and not open to each other.

you haven’t really talked a lot about what your goals are, or what activities you like to do, so I really can’t recommend a covenant for you…the impact of the choice as far as gameplay really depends on your spec, activity (pvp, raiding, m+) and if you have a group of friends - team composition.

that said - it’s clear your heart truly wants Necrolord, so I would pick Necrolord if I was in your position. covenants are a temporary system that goes away forever after another year and a half - so pick the one you think you’re going to enjoy the most! Necrolord also has wonderful abilities :slight_smile:

what you’re probably reading about is how well Convoke synergizes with certain Druid specs (specifically Restoration and Balance)…each covenant has a special appeal to each spec…but that doesn’t mean playing off-meta makes you trash, or puts you behind in any way. (unless you really are a top 100 player…and even then I’d say it doesn’t matter - since individual player skill means more imo)

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Not sure what those tiers I’m FF correlate to in WoW standards, but Necrolord is a perfectly good choice for Resto Druids :slight_smile:

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Covenants will be tuned and subject to change, so don’t pigeonhole yourself into a covenant you don’t want. Right now Fae is good for all specs, so you can’t wrong going for it, which is why most guides recommend it.

Necrolord is very good for resto though so you’re fine.

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Depends on content you want to run.

Also, if you mainly PvP vs PvE that has some decent impact.

In PvE, what you choose has a huge impact, I think the differences in PvP are less so - simply due to comps /strategy.

Hi ya, like others here I would say play what you like the most. Also someone mentioned covenants are temporary - the mounts, armor transmogs and pets you get are forever.
Balance spec is doing great dps at the moment, but I really like Feral druid so I play feral. Yes it makes it harder to get groups for M+ runs, but not impossible. And if you are healing it should be pretty easy for you to find groups.

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Before 10+ plus would be easy for healers to fiend groups. After that, it’s on your io.

Ultimately, while you can make any spec/covenant combo work, it’s just that Convoke from Night Fae is absolutely broken for all druid specs (except maybe resto, since they only get 12 spells rather than 16 for some reason).

There is a quite noticeable difference in dps between my main venthyr guardian and my alt night fae guardian.

It is in fact the most broken for Resto because it operates as a major heal CD that can be used while moving.

With enough preparation before the damage, and enough haste, Venthyr could probably compete for raw throughput, but convoke takes so much less effort.

…Oh yeah. Didn’t think about that.
I may or may not be too busy trying to use it to dps as a healer rather than using it to actually heal, lol

Druids are extremely lucky in that all 4 are actually quite good and viable… except for maybe the venthyr, which is very strange and can actually hurt and stun you.

I tried all covenants while leveling up and honestly NF is a lot of fun, but i liked necro more, and since i pvp necro was actually the better option. I even tried Kyrian which felt awful as resto tbh.

To answer the title question: No.

You can make it work but you’re giving up a very powerful burst healing cooldown. I’d hate running keys without Convoke.