Will Merging EU and NA happen?

The desire to have access to markets on realms unexplored, to play with counterparts in other countries, to join communities and events around the world, has been on the minds of players for well over a decade.
The technical limitions cited over the years has been a concurrent reason to dash any such hopes or conversation from many.

Are there any current plans for advancement in planetary server access or connection points?

Are there any subtle changes that could be shared with the players to evoke hope for the future for a change of this magnitude?

While I know many would like a hard explaination and will unfortunately berate you guys at Blizzards if you in fact do cede a short response that validates this.

Many would love this knowledge.


While this would be amazing and I do love playing with the Brits and Aussies I think like you already stated there are technical limitations that exist that make this difficult for one side or the other. Until Elon Musk develops some giga internet which he already kind of did lol.