In raid Holy feels fine in terms of its overall performance and is represented in about 95%+ of the comps. Disc in comparison is near 1/10th the representation as Holy on Silken Court and beyond and also near the bottom of the hps charts. Mistweavers and Resto Druids are in a bad spot as well. They both bring very little raid utility and they’re just as underrepresented as Disc.
Blizzard has tuned the healers to have very little variation in overall hps from each other to the point that it doesn’t really matter that much and were getting a stacking weekly buff to boot. By the end of the raid tier were going to have a +15% healing/damage which will make most of the healing checks a joke.
In M+ is where Holy feels like its struggling a bit and that’s mainly because Disc is better at everything but funneling single target heals. We’ve been on Flash Heal and a dream for a couple of expansions now and we need to evolve beyond that.
As I said numbers-wise it’s fine but it needs a redesign for the modern game.
Still waiting for my Holy Priest’s Resto Shaman-esque rework.
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Holy is objectively bad right now and there’s no excuse to give us so little. We completely suck and pushing as holy in PvP, M+, and raid feels like crap. Either the dev working holy is a complete clown, or they are intentionally making us suck to enforce their stupid seasonal meta BS, because talentless hacks think rotating metas in seasonal games in good for the game.
I think if they would just admit they are idiots and cut both holy word serenity and salvation down to a base line of 30 seconds it would all be ok. 1 minute is simply too long, POH is simply horrible and a manna drain so makes resetting salvation near impossible, Flash heal is also manna intensive but too much hard casting. Honestly the best holy has felt in a long time was getting instant proc serenity from the DF season 4 tier set. I am not saying bring that back, But if you reduce the cooldown of serenity and sanctify both to 30 seconds it would start to feel a little more like that.
The biggest joke of this season is how the 4 piece set bonus “double cast” of POH and flash heal do not count towards resetting Holy words. Talk about overtuned garbage.
The 4 pieces sure does count towards resetting your holy words! It’s as if you casted another heal or flash heal at 33% effectiveness just like it says 
It was clearly stated in the launch notes that it does not count towards serendipity
Don’t remember seeing that, you can link it if you like. But when I got my 4pc I tested it in practise and it sure did work. Haven’t retested it lately but I had assumed nothing changed.
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So, with the recent news, the answer to the OP is “Yes, but not in a way that matters.”
The buffs are more so addressing the issue that our Holy Words do less healing then a cast of Lightweaver Heal when you factor in all the talents.
They also need to look at Circle of Healing because a lot of people don’t even talent for it anymore. Holy Word Salvation is also not even good anymore because you can use Halo + Apotheosis and do more overall healing.
The underlying issue is that our 4-piece is IMHO overtuned, but they aren’t going to touch it because it’s going away in a couple of months anyway.
I’m not convinced to drop salv yet. The HPS on 1 salv cast is insane and you get an apoth proc with it.
The problem isn’t our dispel profile, it’s blizzard going back on their promise to make all dangerous effects magic, like they said they would when they made magic dispel healer only.
I’ve actually noticed when the 4pc does proc, it lowers the CD on both sanctify and serenity. There are times when I have apotheosis/halo going and surge of light procs seem to be lowering the CD of both.
That’s your archon tree talent 
You can tell they want healers to be hard af to play all of a sudden (if not hard, abrasive) without saying anything about it at all.
I wish this company would be transparent about their philosophy. They are so discombobulated I don’t think they can be transparent, otherwise it would embarrass them.
Then it’s just me not paying attention lol. 
Honestly I’d be happy if they just gave us an interupt or something. For those who say muh class identity they don’t care, we had an awesome lower infuse and they nerfed it to a 15 second buff because it was too unique
Is there anyone that thinks holy and disc shouldn’t have an interrupt?
I think an Interrupt is good for Delves, I also heavily favor support and wouldn’t mind an option to boost other people’s interrupts at the expense of having one OR boosting everyone’s survivability, or damage, at the expense of not contributing an interrupt.
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My problem with interrupts is that once they give them to us, we’re now expected to do it all the time. I mean I don’t really see people calling out DPS for not interrupting; they’re too busy leaving the key because they’re below the tank in DPS.
The problem in lower keys is overall DPS, it’s not interrupts, well it’s both, but the DPS is worse.