Will "High King" Turalyon attack or abuse the Horde before Anduin's return?

We already know that his ascension to the throne is a very bad given Il’gynoth’s prophecy about a golden crown seizing a vacant throne. Which, as it turns out, isn’t Calia as she’s given up her claim to Lordaeron according to pre-patch VA.

At this point can we expect him attempting to get retribution for the events of the Fourth War? Maybe he’ll be more agreeable to the Night Elves’ demand for blood to repay blood? I’m wondering if that would be too repetitive given Blizzard having just finished an expansion that was supposed to “settle” the faction war. But I feel like there’s too many concerning signs that he might do something like that.

I feel like he’d especially be liable to do this if there’s a timeskip and Anduin stays in the Shadowlands long enough that he is missing as long as we are. We’d see new areas where the Alliance is encroaching upon the Horde, maybe.

I think having the Alliance be the aggressors in the faction war actually could be a nice change of pace. That said, I wish it wasn’t Turalyon. It feels like we only just got him back, so it would suck for him to get villain batted.


Just want to put this out there.

You don’t want anyone being the Alliance aggressor but Anduin.

Why? Because if someone other than Anduin becomes aggressive, then Anduin becomes the Saurfang.


That’s kind of what I think, on both accounts. But if a new faction conflict happens with a far more interesting premise than BFA’s, I’d feel even more like BFA had even less of a point.

As much as I really want to see a faction conflict with Alliance aggressors after being teased by it with the BFA cinematic reveal, I’m not sure how that would work after the expansion where everyone supposedly learned their lesson and “are different now.”

But the Alliance also hasn’t had a very interesting story throughout WoW as they had little to no conflict and were basically the Superfriends. I think some navel-gazing from them could be very interesting, even as a Horde main, because the Horde has grappled with the meaning of “honor” and it’s past time the Alliance decides to define what “justice” and “retribution” mean.


I don’t want to see a new faction conflict, at all, ever again. Blizzard just cannot do them.

As far as the prophecy and what not, while it’s fun to speculate, it’s also important to keep in mind that the Void deals in possibilities, not certainties. I’m sure the Bronze Dragons might be able to tell of a number of branching timelines where Turalyon somehow brings about darkness while on the throne of Stormwind, but I’ll be surprised if it actually happens.

There’s too much faction conflict fatigue at this point.

I won’t be surprised if Yrel, Xe’ra, and the Lightbound come to MU Azeroth and Turalyon just ends up becoming one of the Lightbound when AU Xe’ra learns her MU self got eye blasted and Turalyon didn’t kill her killer.


Turalyon’s current lines are about restoring old bases.

Undercity is depopulated of Forsaken and thus Capital City can be restored. Same goes for Gilneas, Dalaran, Stratholme and Alterac!

The Forsaken rule Silverpine, Deathknell, Andorhal, the Bulwark and Hillsbrad aside from Dalaran and Alterac Mountains!


Does he die at the end like Saurfang though?


Void gods are wrong all the time


Well, when it comes to Alliance, it seems like Anduin is under fire for exactly that reason. Not everyone is happy about his armistice.


Would you like play as his sidekick for two years just to see him die?

Would you be perfectly fine with everyone telling him how awesome he is before that point?

Most people that want him dead can’t stand to be in his presence for laughably small amount of screen time he actually gets. Imagine when he’s actually the star of the show.

You mean like he’s always been written as? He can’t hijack someone else’s story if he’s the main story character from the get-go.

Yes. If it free’s the Alliance from the albatross that is High King, and the cancer known as the Wrynn’s, sure. Especially if there’s a loyalist storyline so that I can disparage his legacy.


I guess it depends on how exactly Bolvar and Calia found their way into the Shadowlands, since they didn’t come the same way the Knights of the Ebon Blade, Tyrande, and the player did. That being said, it is interesting that all of those most likely to maintain the peace were the ones abducted. It is very possible we might get a bit of a timeskip whilst in the Lands of the Dead, and things have gone a bit sideways in the World of the Living.

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You’d rather have Anduin be the hero, in the hopes that he dies a hero instead of him actually being villain batted.


Where does he say this?

Also, Anduin’s fine. He’s totally fine. Most people aren’t enraged at him. That’s kind of an unusual quirk of the specific night elf fans on this forum. Most of the ones on Twitter seem fine with him, or like him.


Just because someone “dies a hero” doesn’t mean they are a hero at all or worthy of praise. Saurfang was a coward and a fool from the get go, postmortem revisioning be damned.


In King Anduin’s absence, I have been entrusted with the protection of Alliance citizens.

It feels like lifetimes ago that I helped a young Varian Wrynn secure his throne. Now I am charged with keeping it safe for his son.

The Fourth War took a terrible toll on the Alliance. Our military might has been depleted. Stormwind’s nobles are keen to see our defenses restored.

Reclaiming Stromgarde was a good first step. Perhaps there are other holdings of the old Alliance that could be secured.


Return to Alterac Valley here we come.

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The Nobles want all the Alliance Places not in Horde hands secured and Turalyon and Alleria will make certain they are before Alleria goes into the Shadowlands to help Tyrande hunt Sylvanas!

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Oh he definitely means Lordaeron, right? Right?

There’s so many arrows pointing toward some kind of Light-based plot in Lordaeron now that most of the Forsaken have been cleared out. There were also those random Scarlet pamphlets.


Well he’s talking about ‘old’ Alliance territory, so presumably from back in his day. Which leaves us with Dalaran, that broke neutral, Alterac, which broke dead, and Lordaeron… and Silvermoon. Which is wife would be very keen to try and take back.

So, either or really.