Will fury warrior be the go to after the patch?

asking for a friend who likes the playstyle (me)

me praying to a higher power every single night for fury to never be viable again


Having nightmares of their dumb stacking MS effect

Honestly fury warrior seems good now, maybe its not arms good but its defo not bad like feral or enhancement or fdk. Deathwish is really fun to use too.

i hope not dk’s and furys are not friends

Fury is literally 2x weaker than arms. So no but this is a good start

I think Raging Blow builds will be like previous iterations of Fury where every button hits respectably hard, but, like Devastation, it’s utility is far below damn near all specs.

Might be fast 1800 shuffle for mog, but it’s not going to take AWC or 3s by storm

Might be. Fury wasn’t bad already because it has a crazy 4 set but people didn’t play it yet because it requires 2x 2h weapon.

As a sp main I rather not, still have ptsd from sl.
Also we don’t need another brain dead spec with 2 button rotation and billion passive, aoe dmg.

as an ex-warrior player, fury warrior meta in SL gave us all arthritis

we will see tomorrow.

praying with you make arms the better spec.

Fury is objectively better than Arms just because it looks cooler. I can’t believe people prefer to only have one weapon

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Hey, I like going 1800 for mog.