Will follow weakaura get you banned?

Just as the topic says, will the !!follow me weak aura get me banned if I use it? I was reading people were getting banned, but I’m not sure if that is happening to everyone. If a blue poster could clarify I’d appreciate it. I’m not trying to get banned because I have so much to do, but I’d like to be able to have a friend send me a follow command just in case I stop following while I’m AFK doing something real quick in rl. I got chewed up by a devilsaur the other day because the following command stopped in wow.

No using weak auras will not get you banned. People that got boosted through slave pens and shadowlabs would’ve got banned already if that were the case.

shouldnt be bannable. i used it for 2 of my alts while leveling, its really handy.

It won’t. But you can no longer use the auto follow weak aura as it is intentionally broken in the wrath client.

The moved followUnit to protected. From when servers come up today going forward it will now require a hardware keypress on the character unfortunately. Thanks boosters.


Yes. Just tested it again on beta to be sure. Follow weak aura is nuked as of today.

Thanks for the replies. Well, so much for setting up a follow command. Gotta love boosters .

Sounds like ya do!

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As mentioned above by Mozzer, the FollowUnit API was marked as “protected”, which means it now requires a hardware event (i.e. pressing a key, mouse clicks, etc).

This was proposed by someone on the WoW Community Council in this thread:

There was additional discussion about the change and how it hurts accessibility for disabled players, in this thread:

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