Will faction shard distribution ever be addressed?

No he didn’t. He whined about something that was only in the game for days, because he was under the impression that it was there for longer. The one week of Heroic gear and completion in raid was not what balanced the patch.

He responded to something YOU said in THIS thread. Failed again

He responded by whining about something I wasn’t talking about, yes.

As did like 90% of Alliance players that would otherwise enjoy world pvp.

Same. And my horde toons are also on Area-52. Hmu bby lets go out and prove we are pvp gods. Maybe you like being pocketed by a super geared 474 restosham. :thinking:

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just block this dude, its what im about to do - all he does is troll people with blue vs red mentality and cant even fact check his own statements lol

I don’t leave WM, I leave the area. Not the same as Alliance opting out of WM. If those opting out actually turned it on then perhaps I wouldn’t be outnumbered on so many occasions.

He is probably a she and she sounds very familiar. I’m sure the next argument will be the reason for the imbalance is racials.

I never block anyone, it’s just not that serious and I never let anyone get me upset on the forums.

im not upset, just not gonna waste my time talking to a wall - I’ve already said that warmode and its auto-balancing feature is absolutely atrocious, and I’ve faced the brunt end of it on both sides, on different servers. its obnoxious

but purposefully trying to trigger people about welfare heroic gear is not worth my time, especially since this is all they do if you look at their track record.


I really don’t think AOO really does anything other reward me extra conquest to be honest.

Yesterday I was in the Vale ally side and I think I was emoted more than I was engaged to be honest. A warrior I killed in town follow me around d the rest of the time I was in vale looking down on me, spitting on me and Lol at me.

My thoughts were if you don’t like pvp turn it off.


the current AOO isnt anything like it used to be - when it first launched, it gave heroic ilvl gear, and you could be in a raid while completing it - that was the only time I had an issue with it, its a non-problem now.

What do you suggest? I think it’s a literally impossible problem for blizzard. People go where their friends are. They’ve mass faction swapped multiple times (man the money blizzard must have raked in over the years :expressionless:).

I also don’t think warmode bonus helps. Horde turn it on for the free 10% so there’s huge numbers and alliance turn it on in big lfg groups and then immediately turn it off again. Not a fan, shouldn’t be a bonus for either faction.

People actually pay attention to that 10% bonus thing? I play with wm on because I love pvp. I’ve always been on a pvp server and always will be. Wm option was dumb. Why give people the chance to hide? I get the company wants subs but it’s a lost argument in the pvp community. Either u want to pvp or u don’t. That’s why there were pvp and pve servers. But hey if more alliance kept wm on at all times they would represent more and actually feel they can go up against the horde that’s never turn it off. Trust I see u alli hiding with wm off most the time. Sad :frowning:


You’d be surprised how often there are posts from people complaining about getting ganked about “but I can’t turn war mode off, I’d lose my 10% bonus!”

I mean I see people in chat say it also. But the time they take to complain about it and the time they take getting ganked over and over they could have made that 10% somewhere else wm off lol


I think I hit my limit with war mode sharding yesterday. Was in Mechagon for CtA and there were zero Alliance. Zilch.

Accidentally ran into the instance portal there, and when I came out, boom Alliance everywhere.

I mean, the WPvP was actually good for freaking once but there should NEVER be a situation where that happens.

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Just like how alliance complained at the start of BFA. It’s the cycle of complaining.

On a lighter note, why not just transfer your characters onto the oceanic realm and enjoy all the free buffs. Cause almost no horde there are on WM.


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Oh, I agree. Blizzard should have maintained the balancing mechanisms because war mode needed to be balanced to maintain subscribership, not because of complaints. I will grant that toning down the AOO quest after the first week of massive complaining was fine, since it worked anyway.

It didn’t really work. It was temporary until the AOO was complete then most turned it off right after.

It worked in reducing the imbalance from worse than 1:10 to better than 1:2, while also getting more total people into war mode.

As I said temporarily and only until Ally finished the quest. Then they turned it off for the rest of the week.

If that’s your idea of working then I don’t know what to say