Will Cloaks Still Drop in 8.3? Salt Inc?

Im pretty sure any alt that’s gonna be involved in 8.3 content will get the legendary cloak.

This is great (really! :grinning:), but what about M+ bonus rolls and the dungeon end loot chest? Getting a cloak from either of these sources is going to feel awful. Any transmog argument seems irrelevant as you could still get that from normal or heroic. What reason is there to leave them in the m+ loot pool at all, or have I misunderstood something and they have been removed from there as well?

The mogs are there all year long in the actual raids and dungeons, I can’t get behind using the timewalking event as a means to farm them, since you are not only not guaranteed loot, but even if you do get some, it’s only one item.

Can’t wait to get a run of cloak drops from my mythic plus weekly cache to really sour this experience.

Just opened my M+ chest. Nice shiny cloak. What gives?

Uhh Bornakk… The character I’m posting on got a cloak from the M+ cache I opened today.

I feel wounded and betrayed :frowning:

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got cloak from my M+ chest today, please replace it, very annoy

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Not strictly true, as the Mythic version of some dungeon gear has a different appearance or color from Normal/Heroic.

Not always, but often enough.

I know this isn’t the answer anyone wants to hear, but we aren’t actually in Season 4 yet. Hence the cloaks still in the loot table.

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This is the correct answer. Cloaks won’t be on the cache loot table starting with season 4.

DO you not understand what weekly stands for, answer to your question no

Unbelievable. Lets talk to the Q/A team…oh wait… :frowning:

No there not because I just opened my chest and got a 440 cloak what a waste of a week thanks blizzard for thinking ahead ridiculous I really hate the rng in this game it’s so terrible.

We aren’t in Season 4 yet, I should’ve said that in my post (because honestly I forgot the delayed release for it).

This week is still Season 3 hence Season 3 rewards, yes it sucks, but it’s not the new chest dropping a cloak.

regardless it should have been adjusted or at least removed from the chest loot table. I am pretty sure tons of ppl opened their chest today to be extremely disappointed like myself.

Definitely disappointed - I had two caches queued up this week and got a cloak in both.

I think the confusion comes in when they say it won’t drop in 8.3 (right now) but what they mean is it won’t drop starting with the new raid release and season of M+ (next week). Could of gone a long way to clarify the difference. Still sad and upset about getting a cloak and basically being told “sorry, bad rng on your part”

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Thanks for the 440 cloak that I replaced with the legendary cloak 2 hours after having it. Feels fun!

Horrible, horrible decision.

Smarter move? Let crafters make 445 cloaks, remove ALL CLOAK DROPS from ALL end game content. (I know, it’s be “horrible” for crafters to be able to make something useful).

You just refuse to get out of your own way and let the game be good. I like this patch, but you infuriate me so much - you want me not to like it for some reason.

My new rogue is chain running m+ to gear up and I got nifty FIVE CLOAKS and no weapons… Feels bad man. Legion was SO MUCH BETTER. Why did you forget how to do it?

OH I take it back, you didn’t drop NECK items in BfA for a reason… remember?

Any chance that could be extended to M0 and end of run chests in M+ considering that Ny’alotha does not have cloaks for a very specific reason (IE the legendary cloak)?

While the weekly chests are the big ones its still disheartening to get cloak drops at the end of a run, especially if they get a good corruption effect and even more so when end of run rewards scale up to +15 starting this next week.

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