Will classic TBC kill retail?

When the time comes that I stop playing retail, it won’t be because I’ve decided to play on a classic realm, lol. I’m not going to go backwards.

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I agree that Blizzard promoted this behavior in retail, with their token sales, so now it is standard practice, and has bled over to TBC. I also agree that it is very unbecoming for the game makers to promote this type of thing. But they probably look at it as another very easy revenue stream.

Classic is more popular than retail by miles. Stop living with on denial.


Lol, 9.1 will not have a large boost. Retail sucks and everyone knows it.

Why are you using your powers of precognition to win arguments on an internet forum when you could be doing something productive with them?

Another braindead comment effectively trying to say that basic predictions are null and void and amount to fortune telling.

Yawn. Be smarter.

Fixed that for you :slight_smile:

TBC classic will kill retail the same way that Vanilla classic killed retail.

Gruul: Easy boss from early TBC that people have known strats for for 10+ years. And also only the second boss in a short raid.

Sire D: A complicated boss who’s been out six months. 10th boss in a long raid.

Not even comparable.


Person making the argument provides the evidence.

You saying “google it” is an admission that you have no evidence.

That which is asserted without evidence, can be dismissed without evidence.

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Dude stop lying.
I just checked, as of right now theirs 5642 guilds that have killed Gruul, and 14320 that have killed heroic sire.

And heroic sire is without a doubt harder than probably every boss tbc has to offer aside from maybe 2 or 3 …

And if you seriously think difficulty has nothing to do with it then you don’t actually raid on retail, cause theirs a VAST amount of guilds on retail that can’t even clear half of heroic castle nath, let alone the last boss. Proof of this is that theirs 23000 guilds that have killed normal sire and 26000 guilds that killed heroic shriekwing, yet only 14k on heroic sire. So to claim difficulty has nothing to do with it is blasphemy.

Take your classic Andy spergery somewhere else.


Oh colorful kewl.

Heroic sire complicated? LOL

A lot more than Gruul.

Who said anything about guilds?

Can’t have TBC without retail, so. No.

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Can’t ever tell with people like you if you’re being intentionally obtuse, believing it’s actually helping your point. Or, if you truly believe that what you’re saying is true.

I should probably hope I never find out.

Raid logs.

The sole source of evidence to back up your neurotic claims.


You actually get something when you kill bosses in TBC. People like getting things and no matter how much someone spins it, getting the piece of armor you need after 27 M+ runs is not rewarding, it’s aggravating.

Gamers have limits. TBC won’t kill retail, but it will make things a lot more empty.

If it is impacting you can’t tell…

Even with content drought, everything is packed in retail. Can find any key, any raid, any…whatever.

Not sure why it has to be one or the other? Can’t we have both? Aren’t options better?

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