Been playing Warrior on Classic and the charge stun feels so much better than a root, you get much more use with charge stun like interrupting a cast for instance which imo is fun. The root is boring.
it used to be charge stun back in WotLK, if i remember correctly. However, that was kinda op so Blizz changed it to charge root.
In Classic you didnt have Storm bolt an shockwave though.
Yes because warriors have WAY too much cc right? Mage… right?
They have the right amount.
you know, whats not fair is they removed the Arms warrior pvp talent that cleared roots, which name i cant remember.
We used to have that back in DF
We did in MoP along with charge stun and MoP was considered to be one of the best expansions for PvP.
Then WoD came along and ruined it.
But what about the mages? they would not be able to blink away easily like they do!
mages always kite and root warriors to death anyway.
if warriors had more mobility, then maybe we could kill mages, frost mages specifically
But this isnt allowed, Mage are the rock to the warrior scissors, we need to keep the game balance, mages win versus warriors
Too bad, there is no paper in this game
Root and stun are both boring. That’s why I play PVP games that have neither. It’s just constant in motion action that requires you to actually be good and not just get your target to standstill long enough for you to knock them into the ground.
Charge stun was always buggy. If you charged somebody that was mid jump, they’d continue their jump and be out of your melee range for the duration of the stun (like if it were a mage and proc’d a root). I doubt that’s the reason for the change though.
More likely they wanted to give warrior more mobility with extra charges of charges (heh) like we have now, but that would have been too many stuns. Also iirc, charge stun had special DR treatment. If you charged somebody that had no stun DR on them, charge stun would count as the first stun. But if somebody were already on stun DR, charge stun would still work… probably because a 0.5 second stun was unworkable, but warriors still needed the charge stun for their gap closer to actually work, so it wound up being very difficult to balance.
Been a minute since I read the pvp talent for War Banner but I don’t think it removes roots, would be kinda cool if it did.
Shield Charge is what youre looking for (stuck with Prot though)
Warriors always complain about the wrong thing. You’re the most mobile class in the game, you don’t have a mobility problem, you have a self sustain problem. Same as it ever was
When all warriors lose Storm Bolt and Shockwave, probably.
no. the pvp crowd kept complaining about the stun.
yea… because playing as a warr in PvP there is no such thing as being caught in a non stop melee range stun lock for most of the battle while getting yanked around by DK’s and blasted by knockbacks all while unable to do anything at all… right… ? but having a warrior have a single charge stun… lets complain and get it removed lol…
what is self sustain?
Says the paladin
more damage, more self healing, immunity and more movement