Will Blizzard SIMPing for the horde continue in WOTLK?

Yeah well, lack of a server community is pretty much why I quit Retail, and then when I came back to Classic I found that hey there’s a server community again, and that was pretty awesome and that got me back into the game. So yes I talk about server communities.

I’ll agree that the super mega servers have a community but from everything I’ve seen it’s really not all that much better than the Retail ones, and outside of the guild you may as well be playing with NPCs. I’m not the only one saying this, others on these forums have said frequently that the community experience on Bene etc is not the same but they enjoy the fast groups. If you ONLY care about guilds etc then sure, that’s a community, but that’s in Retail too.


They gave alliance no racials, they didn’t mess with racials at all to balance them.

So yes i will gladly take all your gold.

The community is exactly what You make of it.

If you go to a server and play solo in an MMO then yes you will have no community no matter where you play.

How do you think you developed the community by being by yourself or branching out and talking to people getting yourself involved with the people on the server?

It’s literally no different from any other server if I hop in the server discord and opt in for pre-made PVP I start to build the community if I do the same thing with PVE it’s no different.

Communities are not based off server population they’re based off your participation in trying to create a community.

For instance I was in a pre-made last night for over 4 hours doing pvp.


If you’re horde and you aren’t already leveling your alliance wrath characters idk wtf you’re doing.

Many of us who played classic as alliance and went horde for tbc are going back to our classic characters for wotlk. Or many who played both are definitely keeping their alliance up to date rdy to go for prepatch.

Alliance is just better in wotlk. Horde is better in tbc. Having some weird loyalty to an in-game faction is a little too RP for me dog. Gimme the bis and call it a day.

Something a night elf rogue on an RP server would post lol

Yes the horror that the incredibly outdated system of factions turned really really bad in tbc. Queues were awful in classic for horde too. 2.5 hour AV queues, 20mins for everything else. With ranking it didn’t matter… But when honor buys gear it’s absolute BS that horde essentially couldnt play the game.

In NA right now horde is 51.2% of the population per ironforge and yet would have 30 minute BG queues without HvH. So why should horde get screwed over because the casual alliance don’t pvp and refuse to queue. What sense does that make?

Alliance is only better if all you care about is pvp, horde is still better in pve and still amazing in pvp.

Orc is still amazing.


I’ve beaten Shadows into the ground on this, all he’s going to say is that he doesn’t care about racials which is why he rolled night elf, despite being a rogue and having the best stealth in the game due to the passive effect of Shadowmeld, which also becomes a secondary pseudo vanish in LK.

He’s also going to go off about Horde racials, which unless you’re playing Tauren, which has the least amount of class options, the other 3 base races in classic all had a great racial. Bloodfury/Hardiness, Will/Cannibalize, Bezerking. In his mind, if you play Horde, you only play for racials because HE sees the races as ugly and thus everyone else should as well.

His only saving grace is the fact that he could do organized pvp while the other half of the game had to wait ridiculous times in a queue because his faction has a victim complex and refused to participate in organized pvp at the same rate as Horde.

You’ll never change his mind because gatekeeping hundreds of thousands of players is the only thing that makes him happy.

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In wrath once EMFT becomes the BiS pvp racial… Blizzard will simply remove racials from Arena to ensure their precious horde aren’t at a disadvantage




I get your point. What I saw with Classic servers though was just this organic server community that you just fell into, like everyone knew that person ganked in Orgrimmar or knew that guild was the one that got the world bosses or whatever, was like this group experience. Even the single-player had it. I can tell you about things that happened last year and almost everyone who was on the server knows about that. Each server also had a story and that’s why I find the stuff that happened to the servers sad. Maybe it’s more of a Vanilla thing so I’ll give that being part of it. Regardless when servers get too big that just doesn’t seem to be part of the game anymore.

Also yes, I do find people who do the stuff I care about on the servers I play on if they exist and I even found a group of like-minded people almost instantly in SoM. That’s the way to do it.

I do appreciate you talking about the PVP community that you found on Bene, as that’s one of the things I really care about. I think that’s the first post you wrote to me that really hit the mark so thank you for that.

You know why that is? It’s not because choosing alliance magically makes you not want to queue for pvp. It’s because those interested in pvp for the most part all rolled horde for the racials. All there’s to it.


64% of the pvp population is horde.


Night Elf is the worst Alliance race for rogue PVP in Vanilla and TBC. Are you suggesting I rolled NE in 2019 for WOTLK shadowmeld when we didn’t even know IF we would get TBC or WOTLK or if characters would be transferable to those servers? :rofl:

Okay… sooo alliance have to outnumber horde what… 75/25 just to have even queues?

That’s what your suggestion is? That’s what would be “fair”

How about stop coping and queue for BGs. Babies.

Let’s be honest and stop calling benediction and faerlina the “pvp population” lol

All servers queue into the same BG pool. PvE players can enjoy BGs just fine without world pvp being an issue.

It’s not like PvE servers can’t queue arena and BGs. They picked PvE because world pvp is lame

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No, more pvp players should’ve rolled alliance… nobody forced you to play horde, you choose it because you wanted OP racials.


They should merge the pvp servers into 1 mega server and then force reroll 14% of the horde on the server into alliance to make it 50/50.

You’re ignorant.

It was an absolute necessity make battlegrounds horde v horde. They were bleeding subs because people couldn’t play the game. Sadly, they needed to go a step further and increase honor gains across the board. They’ve lost so many players that wanted to pvp, but simply don’t have the time for it.

You do realize that Alliance overall still has more active players than Horde right?

If you play on a PvP server, horde slightly outnumbers Alliance overall, but PvE, there is really only one or two server’s you can play on if you play Horde. If you want to play alliance, throw a dart at the wall, and it will land on a viable server to play on.

Alliance get’s so many things that Horde doesn’t, and it’s been that way in every expansion blizzard has ever done. The one exception, is TBC, where originally our Pally’s had a better skill. Classic took that away from us.

In classic, queue times for AV, alliance side, 30 seconds-5 minutes. Horde queue times, 2-4 hours. Then the match would be over within a couple minutes, unless alliance turtled, and most of the time, horde lost. So how is it unfair, or simping on the horde, by making it so that we all have similar queue times now for BG’s?

So now you are mad that blizz allowed us to queue into BG’s and not have to wait hours, or just simply not be allowed to PvP. How selfish are you?

Nope. You guys getting instant queues via HvH BGs WAS your honor buff.