Will Blizzard Nerf Warlocks? Blizzards Inconsistency

Yeah man im just joshin, we should have more balance, ill admit tho i dont know how to solve that issue tho because its a big ol slippery slope.

Still tho, im super based as a lock.

Edit: just kinda re-read that, im not sure i understand. DKs are op what?? Even with the changes you guys will still be mongo op.

They are still going to. Like let’s not kid ourselves here that DK is in a great place for the entire expansion, always had been, and this adjustment isn’t going to make DKs average let alone bad.

If we take what they said at face value they basically appear to be doing this because they believe it will scale too hard compared to other classes and just completely blow them out of the water. The fear may be unfounded due to more reasonable boss kill times or whatever, but that’s their reasoning. Not justifying them either, just explaining their rationale.

They’re not tweaking a high performing spec down because it’s good, they’re tuning it down because they believe if they don’t it will be a massive outlier. That is different. However, I have no idea why they didn’t try to clue players in that they were going to monitor it after we discovered it, and as I said earlier UH isn’t even doing anything all that crazy on any of the longer fights where their DPS spike comes down.

I also think they are opening a big can of worms here, and they may regret this. The fiery weapon adjustment they made wasn’t really a class mechanic change, it was an unknown/unintended/unintuitive effect that I think also is unfun for players to get in on because you’re using a vanilla enchant and gear in WoTLK. It’s lame. In this case they’re literally changing the way your CD works in a way we were all aware of.

If it makes you feel better Warlocks get a nice swift kick in the soul shards next expansion. We will be the Rets of Cataclysm.

They already did, if this was true WoTLK we’d be able to snapshot haste and spell power. As I recall this version of corruption we have is what they wanted it to do back on original WoTLK, but technical limitations and all.

If you break Corruption any further it’s not really even that big of a deal. We’re basically snapshotting PoWM on pull, a crit wand if you are super edgy, and tricks if you actually care about killing the boss faster rather than what a third party website tells you about your performance. Everything else is pretty static with corruption, and once you’re sub 35% the only worry you have is getting another tricks.

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I see the can of worms is fully open, as is my bag of popcorn

don’t forget stacking shamans during tbc

because in tbc each warlock group needs a boomkin and a shaman in the group to be max effectiveness, your comp doesn’t really work with a 10x stack, you could stack 10 warlocks in current wotlk, i suspect the top prog guilds (beef bar specifically) are gonna come out of the gate with a giga lock stack, especially now that unholy dk has been reduced to far less good than those warlocks

Even pre DK nerf, warlocks were still outperforming them in Ulduar, long duration fights with multiple phases aren’t unholys best fights and ulduar is mostly that way

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Except the premise of your argument is flawed. Warlocks aren’t overpowered. DKs being a hybrid class and performing literally 14% more DPS than the next highest class? That is overpowered, especially when you consider DKs scale great into the expansion, while Warlocks do not.

Just so you have the numbers, according to warcraftlogs for phase 1, DKs are 14% better than Warlocks. Warlocks are 3% better than Mages. Mages are 2% better than Rogues. And so on. The differences between each class is minor, with the exception of DK. DKs are the only outlier.

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They nerfed DKs because of the degenerate play style that was promoted by gargoyle snapping. Sure warlocks can min max their snapshots to a crazy extent too, but locks aren’t creating the annoying situations for blizzard devs that the DKs were with icy talons talent point stacking and meta gem swapping.


Agreed. Its an assinine comparison.

For starters, the only thing we do snapshot is tricks (which doesn’t count towards parse) and potions of wild magic. And if you are feeling particularly saucy, a crit weapon. That’s literally it. Corruption isn’t snapshotting haste or spellpower or anything so the comparison is not anywhere near accurate.

I don’t believe that they would scale more.

They already have the max haste they would get for Gary.

It isn’t like there is substantial more haste later than their is now.

The AP ratio is so low that I doubt that it will scale Gary very well. I believe its .4

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Blizzard makes content hard but leaves classes in an unbalanced state. Class stacking Warlocks will happen and then Aggrend will be surprised because the Classic devs are clueless.

Been saying that for months, they’re clueeeeeeeeeless.

Honestly if you had to “emergency hotfix” warlocks, What would you hotfix?

Legitimately confused and wondering as Warlocks just cast their spells, snapshot when they can and blow CDs. No degenerate gameplay like UHDKs with Morb spec/Gary pumping.

do you even understand “morb spec”? and why is it degenerate exactly?

No need to make sweeping changes for what a massive minority of the population will do. The top 1% has always been extreme.

Non factor

Morb isnt the problem, its 100% the garg

I’m happy this change happened. Can’t play my DK in peace without somebody offering their unsolicited advice on how to snapshot an extra 6% DPS in my OS

Long life to 2h classic SS unholy.

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I think a good change is pressing Scourge Strike with a 2H weapon.

They should nerf spellhance too. Take all the fun away while they are at it.

These people are just complaining man, they don’t raid at this level and don’t understand class balance. You can try all day and they will still have something to complain about.

None of them even know the yogg mechanics or why locks are bis.

We aren’t stacking locks because of class imbalance, there is a very specific reason they are bis in ulduar.

Go back to your dad guild and enjoy it before ulduar breaks it

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My guild will be just fine, clueless nobody hiding behind a retail alt.

(Guilds are stacking locks for realm first Yogg-0 light, because they shorten the final execute phase before you get overwhelmed by adds. That would be my guess, not having done this since original WoTLK.)