Covenants, Cov halls, anima for Cov halls… etc… are all bad systems.
Bad systems make up the bulk of what the SL devs put together for content.
The player base does not like bad systems.
This is because bad systems are… bad.
The SL dev team is going to double down on these systems.
They said as much at Blizzcon.
Ion believes, or says he does at any rate, that the SL systems we have now are the foundation of what they will add in the SL expansion, going forward.
This does not bode well for us, as players.
We are, it would seem, likely to receive additional addons to the systems we would not like as ‘content’ and simply replace the stygia grind with stygia grind 2.0, anima grind with anima grind 2.0, etc etc…
I really hope they don’t ditch this expansion too soon. It has a lot of potential and I really enjoyed the story this time around. It is leagues better than BFA. It has so much replayability too.
Firstly, stay in school and pay attention in math class. The game barely came out at the end of November, far from 250 days.
Name one…
No game company that anyone knows of has been sued for “false advertising” in regards to quality of the content. Furthermore, Blizzard hasn’t advertised anything that they did not deliver on. Everything that was mentioned to be included with the launch of Shadowlands, everything previewed and touted as features during the expansion’s reveal @BlizzCon2019 and so on, is currently in game.
Just because you personally think the content isn’t good and personally do not like the game, that isn’t going to hold up in any court nor get a lawsuit off the ground and you’d be laughed out of any attorney’s office if you attempted to approach one with your personal opinion.
If a game company could be sued for publishing a bad game… then every game company that has ever released a bad game (there are countless thousands upon thousands over the past 50 years since console/pc gaming began), many could and would be sued and it would probably mean the end of gaming as we know it as no publisher in their right mind would dare to release anything as if one person claims they don’t like it, they could be sued for bogus “false advertising” in your imaginary world… it ain’t ever gonna happen as personal bias and opinions in this regard aren’t grounds for any lawsuit in the real world.
This is explained out far far better on the forums than I can possibly reiterate here.
Basically they are completely terrible knockoffs of the class halls, but without any useful rewards, just linked enough to player power to make them mandatory and extremely punishing to you in some cases for choosing incorrectly.
This is not just an arbitrary and uneducated viewpoint.
It’s supported by math. Players choose, and overwhelmingly so, the covenant that works out the best for them based on performance. If they had an RP or story preference it is in the majority of cases subsumed by the need, real or imagined, to run their BIS so they don’t feel poorly optimized during gameplay.
This was pedaled as “meaningful choice” but there was no real choice to be made in most cases.
If you actually bother to paid attention, or simply just use google… you’d know the lawsuit wasn’t for false advertising. rather the only lawsuit Bethesda faced was in regards to refunds, as for a while back then they weren’t issuing any, and nothing got settled out of court, rather the lawsuit never made it to a court.
and what does physical goods have to do with the game?
That’s no diff than if i bought any other product, i.e. off Amazon or from any other retailer, and it wasn’t as described. obviously you can return it and get your money back, that’s just common business practice and law accepted the world over, and most retailers have this ability built right in their return policies.
Also lastly what does this have to do with Shadowlands? as far as I am aware, Blizzard didn’t offer players who pre-ordered shadowlands a canvas bag and swapped it out for a nylon bag or offer any bag for that matter. lol! you can’t just twist or bend a unrelated lawsuit over physical goods to attempt to pathetically fit the narrative of the digital game at hand {Shadowlands}.
it is as i mentioned in my previous reply, in regards to physical goods
that lawsuit never made it to court, nor was it “settled out of court”. it never made it off the ground as it didn’t qualify:
Bethesda Softworks removed the action to this court alleging jurisdiction under the Class Action Fairness Act of 2005 (“CAFA”), 28 U.S.C. § 1332(d). The parties’ dispute as to whether removal jurisdiction exists is straight-forward. In plaintiff’s view, he is seeking to recover only the difference in value between a nylon bag and a canvas bag. Multiplying that delta by the number of game bundles sold falls far short of the $5 million jurisdictional minimum under CAFA, even assuming a recovery of attorney fees.
again, you can’t just pull random unrelated lawsuits to attempt to twist them to fit a narrative, especially not a random court filing that was disqualified due to not meeting requirements for the type of lawsuit it was seeking.
It seems you are confusing a simple court filing with a lawsuit. They are not the same thing… Anyone can go to any court and file paperwork for to attempt to start a lawsuit, and this filed paperwork will be available for all to see and read online, regardless if it’s rejected and never makes it off the ground nor see any court proceeding.
I think its gonna be another WoD 2.0 but honestly with COVID as an excuse i suspect they gonna milk this expan more…because COVID is such a good excuse and the opportunity to increase profit for less work is their. Plus the player base will swipe it under the rug.
I think if there were so many issues regarding adjusting because of COVID to the extend where they cant release a decent product (the game has plenty of bugs and class balance issues) let alone create content for this expan then they shouldn’t have sold this expan from the start…but obviously its a great business opportunity and they have COVID to cover their behind so why not
They are actually setting the scene for fighting the jailer’s bosses: a 40k hp convoke balance druid, fire mage, arms warrior, hpal and mind games priest