Will Blizzard ever listen to the collectors in this game?

I’m a collector, and I don’t want this.

Or, hey, here’s a crazy idea: If people want Mythic raid mounts, they should Mythic raid, and if people want ranked PvP mounts, they should do ranked PvP.

As a collector I don’t think they should.

Most of us don’t see anything other than the most efficient way of collecting the next mount, mog, achievement, etc. Everything else is sort of secondary. Fun? Immersion? Whether or not it’s actually good for the game? Naw, I just want to fill my bar.

At least not, like, broadly. Some quality of life adjustments to abandoned content is appreciated. :dracthyr_love_animated:


Although really there’s only one mount this applies to, and not really since the fixes.

2 years…and it can continue for me…its a matter of luck, same for other players that did 50+.

I agree that vendors isn’t the only option , Devs could add a drop % increase per kill like they do with legendaries, they can even hide that % from players but it’ll work in a way that you eventually doing attempts will provide the reward at some point. the problem is that Blizzard does a really bad assessment with Attempt ratio and drop %.

If they do an increase drop % per kill, players won’t know when the mount will drop compared to a vendor and that’ll conserve the surprise feeling that some players like.

Mythic raid should also be designed for people.

It is almost impossible to collect everything in an MMO, because if it would be easy, you would stop caring about it.

I have an addon “Allthethings” and my goal was to collect everything someday. I gave up pretty early on, as there is no point. I realized that all the mounts or pets I collect, mean nothing to me.

From my point of view, unless something is truly epic in design, I either take it on the road or don´t waste my time on it.

With Warbands we collectors will get something great, so it is not true to state that Blizzard ignores us. What the OP wants is just an easier way to get things, but as said above, easier does not mean more valuable to you, but the opposite.

…I don’t believe you. What if the mount is obtained from Plunderstorm?

Can someone post the Ron Burgundy “I don’t believe you” gif pls? Ty :slight_smile:. Plunderstorm QQ is on your permanent record!

Nah. I am a mount collector and I disagree with you, as do many in this thread.

Why, because you said so? No, keep preaching Akapally. More of us stand with you than some random nobody trying to bully you into silence.

Post on an actual unhidden character. Otherwise, you’re just another contrarian liar who’s arguing just to argue.

More of who, exactly?

Pointing out facts ≠ bullying.

I never said you, nor anyone else shouldn’t state their opinions. You’re welcome to. It’s what forums like this are for.

But claiming you know what anyone else’s opinions are on any given subject when you’ve never spoken with them, and just assume they’re going to agree with you because that’s how you feel, is silly.

Neither of you have spoken to all of the mount collectors in this thread, let alone in the game. And ignoring all of those who not only did you not bother to consult in this thread who disagree with you doesn’t give you the right to claim you speak for anyone but yourself.

I’m also pretty sure even those who agree with you are perfectly capable of speaking for themselves.


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Oh ffs. Generalities are used when MOST are in agreement. He doesn’t have to talk to “all of the mount collectors in this thread, let alone in the game”. What a stupid take.

You’re pretty sure? Sounds like you know nothing of advocacy. Hey, from now on, women can’t have a movement that speaks for women. Every single one of those women are perfectly capable of speaking for themselves. They don’t need anyone speaking for them. How do they know what women want? Did they talk to every single woman in America?

  • I am a woman.
  • I know what I want.
  • Not all women want the same thing.
  • I never assume anyone is exactly like me. (That would be creepy and weird.)
  • A “movement” consists of like minded people who agree joining together where each one voices their agreement, together.

There are people in this thread, like you, who agree with the OP. There are also people who disagree. Those of you who have declared you’re in agreement have your own, “movement” but each of you spoke for yourselves. Claiming you are a majority when you’ve no proof not only robs everyone you’ve not spoken to (and haven’t the means to do so) of their agency, but also puts the lie to your claim by reaching an unsupported conclusion.

It would be less deceitful to say, “I feel that there should be [insert fabulous idea here.] How does everyone else feel?”


“We” definitely do care. Maybe don’t try and lump every one under your umbrella and just say that this is something YOU want.

This we can agree on, though.

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To be fair no one believed that Cassandra either, but she kept at it.

Well, I agree with every thing the Cassandra in this thread has said so far.

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I wasn’t saying I didn’t, I just wanted to make a lame name pun. I knew my joke probably wasn’t obvious enough even as I typed it, but oh well.

This is a mmorpg, rare items are meant to be rare.

Limited time events and rewards are as much a part of the genre as raids and dungeons.


Yes you do:

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these kinds of things are what hold the game together