Will blizzard ever admit they made a double mistake

The only way to see if blizzard really listens to us is if they address a double mistake.

I want everyone to protest this new otter mount. Let’s see if they will change it again or if it’s a “fake we listen change” that they pre plan by putting out bad content first.

Let’s face it we have seen blizzard put out better mounts than the otter, why is all that effort you put in rewarded with a reskin of a potential future model. It will only be unique in DF pre patch


Not for “collect x mounts” achievements.

Every single mount meta achievement gives a tint of an existing mount. The most recent is the green fire bird which was been in the game files since Cataclysm and was given out with like the bfa pre-patch.

The otter is fine/good. Reskins for “collect 700 mounts” or w/e are fine.


So for collecting 500 mounts you think they deserve a reskin? You don’t sound like a mount collector to me

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Yes? They’re all reskins.

I don’t strike you as a collector…?


Oh you’re one of those everything blizzard does is great ppl


I am okay with the otter.


Gotta have 38k achievements for that.


Otter looks cool glad to have a new unique mount.


It’s not going to be unique. It’s like getting a zm mount before zm comes out. Once zm is out it’s going to look regular

It’s a double mistake, they are changing the “ugly” mount response to a “aww cute mount” but the feedback that’s just another recolor was ignored.


Oh, you’re one of those people who can’t handle someone having a different opinion than you.


Found another one

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Most of the people on this board are contrarians. They literally can’t help themselves.


Almost the opposite, actually.

One day. :sob:


But that shouldn’t be the rule, Devs are changing philosophies that’s how we get more account wide content, remove borrow power, titant forging.

Just because this is more a cosmetic issue, it doesn´t mean there´s not value for a portion of the playerbase.

If you think I’m someone who thinks everything Blizzard does is great, you haven’t been paying attention.

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Ok prove it

When it comes down to it I’m fine with the otter but I completely understand why people are mad. There are a bunch of otter mounts coming in DF and this guy isn’t going to stand out like the Frost Infernal or Feltalon. Plus, as a ground mount, it probably won’t get a lot of use once we get regular flying.

What I’m more upset with than the otter or yeti is the fact we’re only getting one achievement. For serious collectors out there, we have blown past 500 along time ago. We’ll just log in after 10.0 and have it.

There are over 800 possible mounts. There are almost 700 (around 680, 690ish) that you can get without worrying about TCG, removed and store-bought mounts. We should have got 450, 550 and 600 too. However, they have no problem giving pet collectors 4 new achievements even though getting 2000 is impossible atm.

Edit: Forgot to add that 500 is a milestone. Should be something special, not a mount you’ll see a bunch of.


i want something that i can use constantly when im in old world stuff, if it doesnt fly im not gonna see it except pretty rarely

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Is the otter an improvement over the yeti? Sure. Is it still a disappointment for a milestone achievement of 500 mounts? I think so. Despite mount rewards being recolors, (usually eye catching recolors though), this just seems bland, and with all the otter mounts we’re getting in DF, it’s just going to blend in with the pack. I don’t know, maybe add fel flames to it or something? Blizz could have really done something out of the box here and given a really unique mount for a milestone achievement as well as having had to wait for multiple expansions for a new mount reward. Just an idea since they’ve been cycling through them, how about that caterpillar mount from the contest that didn’t win? We got the tree, the book from mage tower, the slime cat from season four raid achievements. I think the caterpillar would have been a great choice. Or anything really as long as it was really eye catching. But NuBlizz is just OldBlizz with a bad bland paint job so not sure why I expected better. Oh well :man_shrugging: