Will BFA raids/dungeons get any easier with 9.1.5?

The BFA dungeons can be done now, solo, on mythic 0? Really? I didn’t know that. Awesome. I assume ilvl needs to be around 240? Just guessing and I know it varies per spec.

BfA mythic dungeons can be solo’d except Kings Rest due to a boss mechanic (unless you can sustain 10k dps for 30 seconds straight). However, it can be done on a hunter with pet.

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This is incorrect. Legacy loot (if that’s what you mean) for bfa is coming in 9.1.5.

If they get any easier, might as well just give you loot at the entrance.

Source? This would be amazing.

It’s been up on wowhead for a little while now:

Wow. Super happy. Thank you.

I don’t think you need to be 240. A guildie did kings rest on mythic right after 9.1 dropped, but that was a hunter, so I don’t know how it could be with other classes.

no they want the legacy buff, which makes previously unsoloable content soloable. We won’t get that til next expansion.

As far as I know, Ion isn’t giving us a legacy buff at all. Like, ever again. Last I heard, Ion said he’s relying on ilvl scaling to “naturally” allow us to solo old content in that manner.

Never gonna happen. At the moment I can two man the first half of battle for Daz but it’s very hard. I doubt anyone but the most dedicated will be able to solo bfa for a long time.

It’s OK though, after enough subs run out they’ll change it back

He is though, for Legion in 9.1.5. The legacy buff doesn’t just make killing bosses easier, it removes mechanics that require multiple players. No matter how high our ilvl is, it don’t make up for group mechanics. His theory that we would be able to solo Legion stuff by the end of SL wasn’t including the mechanics that always get removed. He was basically saying that even with the legacy buff, many players may not be strong enough until later in the expansion, which by the time .5 comes out, we should be. His statement was made before the huge delay for 9.1, so we should be higher geared than we will be when .5 finally drops. I can pretty much guarantee that many classes will still struggle, even with the buff until around 9.2.

Got a source for that? Because like I said, i don’t think there will be a legacy buff for legion. Ever. Not like wod a least. Now if you’re getting confused with legacy loot or mechanics changes, thats a different story. But the legacy buff we used to get for wod raids? I don’t think that he wants to do hat anymore last I heard.