I was wondering if anyone who did not get in the last stress test has been invited to the stress test for tomorrow.
I did not get in the first one even though I am subbed and played in Vanilla and all that good stuff and I was hoping there was a chance for future stress tests at least.
Not sure, they’ve stated everyone who has done the one last week will be in the one tomorrow but unsure if any new people will be invited
I’ll certainly give it a shot again.
Probably won’t get in but we’ll have to see what changes.
I randomly got a Beta & Stress Test option in my launcher
i was not in the first stress test, and the option appeared a day or two after the last blue post about tomorrows stress test…
Worth A Shot IMO
So you’re telling me there’s a chance!
I gave up hope when i didn’t get a BETA invite or a Stress Test invite… after many sacrificial lambs and … cough cough children…
The WoW Gods answered my prayers with at least a Stress Test invite 
I know there were some problems with the invites from the first test where some people got in but the launcher didn’t show up and based off what they said I think it’s limited to those who got an invite the first go around and Quel might be one of those people who should of been in but didn’t get the launcher to show till afterwards
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So… many… lambs… died… in the making of this Stress Test Invite…
People will be added to the stress tests in the future When Blizzard thinks they need more people…they usually add more people every time the level cap is increased
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So if you have the Stress Test option in the Launcher does that mean you can participate?
I just re-subbed a week or so ago and there was an option to install the Classic Stress Test and was wondering if it meant I could participate.
when the servers go up tomorrow, you can participate 
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I doubt it, I was invited to last stress test tried for 3 hours and couldn’t even create a character so they should probably at least get the people into the game that were on that last list first.
They say in the blue post that all the same people will be invited again.
And it was a pretty pleasant experience after the first few hours of kerfuffle. I played a bit just before the servers went down and got to explore some places I had never been, like SW.
Cool, ty. I’m hoping I wont be too tired, I’m working 2 shifts today, then first thing tomorrow morning lol.
Given this is a retest of something the tried to test last week, its likely not going to expand the testing playerbase yet.
Pokimane will be there learning how to play the game because she has never played it before.
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has any closed beta or new stress beta invites been recieved by anyone since the last stress test?
Even one single player?
I don’t know.
It helps if your mount looks like a dog and you have a bird to trade in.
They did say everyone who participated in the 1st test will be included in the second test.
My son’s account which was made last year got into the last stress test, so I would assume others have/will