I know they won’t let us carry keys over, I wouldn’t even expect that. What about the undercoins, think the ones we have will still be relevant in S2?
Allegedly they’re getting wiped cuz you can buy gear with them
Blizzard never, ever allows old currency to carry over. They’ll either reset it to 0 and give you a paltry amount of silver for the currency you had, or they’ll make a new currency so the previous one is obsolete.
Ugh I’m gonna be super sad if it does(Which I shouldn’t be surprised). I expect the keys to go but not UC.
Gotta work my way up again to get the cosmetics in S2 I guess.
well use the undercoin u have saved and buy the mat bag
i bought 50k worth and sold the mats for i think like 190k
Honor carries over from season to season, so it’s perfectly reasonable for someone to ask if a given currency tied to a specific game mode will carry over.
Can you please point me to the part of my post where I said their question was unreasonable? Oh that’s right, you can’t, because I didn’t say it.
I haven’t done PVP in 15 years, so I have nothing to say about that. PVE currencies never carry over - they either get reset or made obsolete.
Yes, they ALWAYS wipe so everyone starts out equally fresh.
Saying “never, ever” implies no reasonable basis for the question.
It’s ok that you’re wrong. No need to be rude about it.
No, it doesn’t imply that. You added that. You can be right in life or be happy - your choice.
Nah, it definitely comes off as you thinking the question is unreasonable. That’s ok though. That’s your opinion and it’s ok to be wrong.
Neither is mutually exclusive. If that’s how you view life, then I pity you. Your “logic” is quite strange to say the least.
It’s sad that you have nothing better to do with your life than create phantom arguments with complete strangers. I hope you find something more meaningful for yourself. Have a nice day.
From all appearances I should go ahead and spend them.
Yes, definitely. I loaded a bunch of alts up with adventurer gear myself.
I think this will be my plan. I have a mage, rogue, and shaman on deck as far as alts go so that and the catch up gear from Siren Isle should get them set up for S2 nicely.
Strange take.
Oh, by the way, I’m going to directly refute another thing you were wrong about:
See: Titan Residuum
Yeah it works well. You can get a bunch of free valor stones and crests on alts from the place where they upgrade gear too as well as from all the faction quartermasters. I was able to upgrade at least the weapons to the max on alts with that.