I don’t get how we go from Dragonflight Fire Mage to this inept and impotent version you call fire mage now. Hero talents for fire mage seemingly don’t work and look like a mess trying to handle it.
??? What are you on about.
Fire mage is great, if anything 11.1 is a slight downgrade, not an upgrade.
Both sunfury and frostfire are very good additions.
If there was something to be said, I really don’t like what they have done to mage overall in 11.1 so I would rather play the original 11.0 version, and then fix interactions between skb and sunfury
Casting fireball more feels like a mess. 11.1 is a downgrade to fire. The rapid fire iteration was the most fun I’ve had with fire mage and it’s gone now in 11.1. All they needed to do is tweak the numbers and just make flamestrike on target. But of course old fashioned die hard La wanted to “cAsT mOrE”. Well guess what, it’s feels like crap in 11.1 now.
It’s not a fix in my eyes. The only thing that would fix it would be bringing back Tempered Flames, which reduced pyroblast cast time by 30% I think. Without it the cast time is too long.
Things were actually going well before this week’s PTR changes to Frostfire.
Casters should cast. Fire on live is basically a BM Hunter and can go an entire encounter without casting Fireball even once depending on RNG. This in turn makes it so the actual spells hit for very little to compensate for how often we have them available, turning it into an uptime spec with very neutered burst damage. The initial idea they had was good, but they messed up with the latest changes and Hyperthermia’s proc chance last week.
The only time Fire ever wants to hardcast Pyroblast is to activate SKB and outside of that it’s all instant casts, making it a non-factor for UI builds. Tempered Flames incentivized Pyroblast hardcast spam and was exclusive with a Combustion talent. Tempered Flames was straight out garbage.
I disagree. Pyroblast does a ton of damage. It’s my go to spell on my fire mages. By the time we finish casting pyroblast, the enemies maybe dead or close to death. Without the passive ability, the cast time is ridiculously slow.
I dunno, I’m a bit in the disagree camp here (re: instant casts, compensating damage). We all keep comparing the current state to BM hunter, but like: there’s no reason why we can’t have a caster spec that’s also mostly instant cast. Casting Fireball more often isn’t something that’s at all fun, I don’t see how using our filler more frequently adds skill expression somehow. (We’re still not going to run out of Ice Floes charges, so it’s not like this impedes our mobility much, if the concern that was that we don’t have to pre-plan our movements.)
Granted, current FF Fire is just an overload of procs, but moving to a scenario where we have to munch most of them for lack of resources feels like a very silly way of addressing that.
Nope sorry. I disagree that casters should cast. There are how many other casting specs you can play? You could always play MM hunter too. You sound old fashioned and no one on the ptr finds fire mage fun. Even pre heat says it feels starved of phoenix flames now. It’s no longer fun, but enjoy casting your meesley fireball spell. Enjoy
I guess what I mean is in dragonflight I could kill anyone I wanted whenever I wanted. Granted this expac I’ve taken a break so my mage has no gear but from what I’m seeing from others is it certainly doesn’t look like that’s the case. (Pvp perspective ofc)
Yeah I’m kind of like… why is everyone saying it’s “healthy” to have to cast Fireball? Are BM hunters unhealthy? People are very much enjoying the current iteration of Fire - why not just tune the numbers around the fun? Fine to not crush meters if it means mobility / uniqueness of one of the few specs that isn’t outright builder/spender. I dunno.
Fire feels soo lame in keys. In raid its fine, but something needs to be done about its AoE. Big time.
If you’re hardcasting Pyroblast regardless, you are doing content where it doesn’t really matter what you do.
It’s not about skill expression, it’s more about the philosophy of what casters are. I don’t think all-instant-fire is a healthy or sustainable design philosophy. And as I said, ridiculous amounts of instant casts mean ridiculous Combustion uptime, which also means we deal less damage per cast to compensate. All of that coupled with Ignite makes it hard to justify anything other than an uptime playstyle.
By the same logic you could also go play BM Hunter if you want a full mobility ranged spec. I do think they went a bit too hard with the latest changes to Excess Frost and Excess Fire though. And the fun doesn’t come from casting Fireball more, it comes from your spells doing more damage. I’m not entirely against an uptime playstyle but I miss the times where Combustion used to be a powerful button.
Hard disagree. Casting the way it works in this game is cancer. Not only is casting on the move not baseline like in virtually every other game out there but you also have ridiculously long cast times for spell that aren’t even that hard hitting or impactful.
Now as far as Fire goes, while I have never really been a Fire Mage, my sense is that Fire works best when you’re in Combustion. If they turned Combustion into a toggle rather than a cooldown and nerfed Fire’s DPS into the ground to compensate I guarantee you that more people will play it than even at its broken height at the end of BfA.
Bottom line is who do you want to be like when playing Fire: Johnny Storm the Human Torch raining instant fiery destruction on baddies OR Millhouse Manastorm taking 5 minutes to “light up sweet cheeks” with a hard cast Pyroblast?
Which is exactly the other half of my argument that you missed. Casters should cast, but the casts should do impactful damage. When casters don’t cast, damage is nerfed to compensate.
You should pay more attention to what people are saying, dude.
Less instant casts mean your spells that matter are able to hit more. Less instant Pyroblasts means Pyroblast can hit harder. I don’t care about Fireball damage, but Fireball is the filler you’re bound to cast more when you have less resources available, at least outside of execute range where you’d default to Scorch.
The same goes for our cooldown; the reason Combustion is not as powerful as it used to be is because we have a lot more uptime on it. Seriously, read.
There needs to be more interaction with Mastery in my opinion. Each target burning with ignite should have a chance on a critical tick to just proc Pyro Blast for free. All done. Very simple.
On a side for the Blues. Please knock it off with the target area crap. Just make spells cast on target please.
I am paying attention to what people are saying. Fire mage/ sunfury is considered one of the most fun specs due to its power and play style coming into season 2. A playstyle that is still shot gun style. That’s what people want. Not casting fire ball more like 10 years ago.
You deleted your comment I responded to because clearly you thought there was something wrong with it and we’re talking again a week later.
You say this about Fireball as if we’re spamming it most of the time and it’s not that. We just don’t have infinite resources anymore, which is fine and is healthy. Less “builders” means our “spenders” deal more damage to compensate, which translates to more burst, which means Combustion windows deal more damage if you play them right. And what do you mean by shotgun style? I know shotgun by something else in gaming.