Wilhelm SFX in some death animations?

Has anyone else heard something in some death cries of some mobs sometimes, which sounds like it is maybe the famous “Wilhelm scream” in reverse? I never noticed it until recently. Has it always been there in the wide range of WOW death cries and I’ve never noticed it? Or was it added recently?

And then, part 2 is, I personally don’t care for the Wilhelm scream. It is in almost every action film at least once. An inside joke in the SFX community. And when you first learn about it, you maybe feel like you are in on it, too. IDK, to me, it isn’t funny anymore. It is distracting. Hoping Blizzard will remove it from this game. Or maybe tune down the occurrence so it is vastly more rare. Like maybe as rare as the Swift Zulian Panther mount, 0.9%, which I still don’t have.

Or maybe it is just me.