Wildhammer Should Be An Allied Race

Storm hammers or riot! lol

most, but if ppl are given a choice between stat boosts and utility like for example a zandalari stat boost vs arcane torrent, players are always gonna go arcane torrent. (just choosing random racials as exapmles) So a rebalancing would have to take place.

Well for zandalari I picked gonk for movement speed… for gold making and speed runs. So? A pvper would pick paku or kimbul. It doesn’t matter choices are good. The zandalari racials are a good way to pick racials.

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We’re already getting Wildhammer skins for Dwarves in Shadowlands. Let’s save the Allied Race slot for something different enough to warrant being it’s own race.


Since you made that suggestion, can you make some races to choose from?

Movement speed is godsend for melee dps, trust me on that! :rofl:

Wildhammer do warrant their own AR. Also slots are gone. The new character creation ui doesn’t have slots. And with the reps going away…

Customization in SLs is nice but without the racials and lore associated with them, they will still need their AR.

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Vyk’rul! :grinning:

Which clan? stormheim, frost ones in icecrown or howling fjorde ones?

What do you mean by this?

I realize that because we have to stick to the target. Put I have good choices which I can choose from more raw dps, utility, survivability, or ability to stick to or run away from targets. If more races had stuff like that the alliance would complain less.

Dwarves could get frost dwarf, mountain dwarf, wildhammer based racials for example.

I liked the way vulpera can unlock new racials by the bosses they fight changing the spelltype of there ability for example.

They don’t really do much honestly. Its just a type of dmg change isn’t it?

Stormnheim since we are already friendly with them.

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If only mechagnomes whom can change parts on the fly can do something close to that :laughing:

Good choice, since I can see we can get a large array of classes from them, including paladins.

That would be cool. And to unlock arm and leg race specific transmog/ upgrade parts. It would make more people play them if they can work with the cyborg part of them. Adding racials and stuff over time would help balance out races over time. And stuff like the nightwarrior customization could unlock them for example.

Or just the ability to change racials via glyphs. Which can help with faction balance too.

Irrelevant. They were added before them being shadowlands customization was an option.

Indeed! I want to play a Vyk’rul warrior.

Yup, like if they see x boss does this, it gives them an “idea” and they swap a part out to try to mimic that “idea”.

Here they come! :laughing:

I wouldn’t mind having a vrykul hunter myself.

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I could possibly get behind this if its not too hard to get access too. Still the Wildhammer should be an AR if the DID were worth it.

Or like they can get racials of mechanical bosses over time. And imagine having slots to choose from the holographic racial switch it up with a lazer racial. Or a cosmetic racial that summons mechanical robots instead of clones.

Or imagine the lightforged having racials based on the lightforged abilities we had in Legion. Summon a Warframe instead of the Vindicar beam and have it do stuff.

You got me hooked on this part :grin:

But yeah it’s such a lost opportunity. Truely is.

Agreed. Gameplay wise it don’t make sense. If any other developer has lore that seperates 3 clans, and only made 2 playable while the other is a customization there would be a big issue on their forums.


Its like they’re specifically saying the Wildhammer don’t matter. They were the first dwarves to join the Alliance of Lordaeron, and joined us again in full back in Cata. Its a shame they’ve done them in as Customization.

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