True it was DoW first!! Whats up folks!
Hold on, not sure why it posed as a random Alt but this is Bakana the holy priest turned shadow in BC
Bakana the priest here!
rorr the troll warrior here if anyone remembers, was pretty casual
I played in Neoauld. Druid named Trickz!
during classic - mage Shaynah. during BC - warlock Aelinn
How dare you roll alliance?? TRAITOR!
I played an orc shaman named Kharnage. Can’t remember what guild I was in before I moved servers but I remember being in for the longest. Remember playing with a bloke named Glorin, an orc shaman, who was in .
Your name rings a bell as Holycow. I was Foden Troll hunter- we merged a few guilds- wolfpack- biohazard- fatal. Shoot me a message if my name brings back a memory. if not it must be a similar name and happy classic!
Foden Troll hunter. I rolled with Fatal and Biohazard. We may have also been Wolfpack or Frostwolves at some point. (we went through a lot of merges) Bankik… if you are out there or someone who knows him please shoot me a message. I remember you lived in the west side of Australia and you were chill as all hell. Many memories of classic you were there. I only know your first RL name so i can vet the crazies haha! You were a priest and a bad @$$. a shot in the dark reaching out but I have to put it out there.
Wow, I was in Saga before it merged with I don’t know why I remember this but I remember you buying +int gear for either me or yourself to raise one of our weapon skills faster. I played a rogue named Kyropractor and I think I helped you get your tier .5 or whatever from the timed Strat run. I think Rescue the priest was there as well. Jesus why do I remember this?!
I’m on Westfall Alliance this time around.
rorixx i love you! i have been looking for you for so long!! hit me up on discord kitkatzy#9250
Sinsiter rogue…I remember you from that time. Wish BC would not have killed pande. Forgot what teo guilds most went too. I just went PVP at that point and never raided again till now.
Played a Tauren Warrior named Readyforwar. Wildhammer was such a fun server. I remember watching Glorin duels, and getting steamrolled by Forcemaster WSG premades all the time.
I used to play a Resto Tauren Shaman named Diamonds on Wildhammer with a guild called Sickmode. I would really like to reconnect with Morrom (rouge) & Sheeps (mage) Miss you guys.
I played a Warlock named Lidless in Sickmode before BC. I was young and can’t remember the reasoning on leaving. I found this video awhile back that brings back memories though that Azno made Vaelstrasz
That video brings back so many memories, thank you for sharing!
I played Holler as a Priest in Neoauld then based Hording School/BBZ. Rerolled with the guild in Alliance in classic.
looking for people from monolithic on wildhammer
Please message me on bnet Gtype#11232
Specifically soulcatcher