I remembee you guys. I was in Sin Nombre as well. My main was a dward hunter named Cathragh
I remember Shame, two IRL friends of mine were in there. Sonya and Bellecio. I helped Sonya a few times honor grind.
Obe - Rank 12 Warrior
Ardal - Warlock
Blacklisted / Incarnate
Anyone know Kueskiro? Would love to track him down again
Look at this dude, just living his life.
Orgruz - Dwarf Paladin - <Øblivion>
Spaniards - Human generic Paladin - <Øblivion>
Xandraiff (Human Holy Paladin), Khanripper (Human Warrior), Nokem (Human Rogue)
I used to raid with all of these Alliance guilds (in somewhat chronological order):
Vanilla/BC: Odin, The Rejects, Pandemic, Vengeance, Silent, Crew
WOTLK: Acquired Taste, Incarnate
Random names I used to play with but I have lost touch with and would love to find: Altimus, Chingyz, Las
Oh. My. God.
JUANVALDUEZ! RIPPERKHAN! WHAT! This is a HUGE dose of nostalgia. I was in your guild, Warriors of Azeroth, for a very very long time!
It’s me, Xandraiff! I named my warrior alt after you, Khanripper! I can’t believe it’s you! Add me on Battle. net: Xandraiff#1204
I have a WoW screenshot folder of nearly 2000 photos. I just meticulously scrolled through the entire folder and found only ONE photo of us together, in Gnomeregan at level 70(?!)… The timestamp of my photo is November 24th, 2007… wow. Search for the tag “ripperkhan” on imgur or this without spaces:
https:// i. imgur. com/ QkSknSy. jpg
i used to be apart of the rejects. i was gerl/rasur.
Oooh, I recognize some names here.
Snuffy, NElf Huntard - Shame
Do i have any friends?
Haven’t decided if/where I’ll be playing… but It won’t be 16 hours a day this time if I do, that’s for sure.
Like, the Dez that was always with Redbeard?
Tananthalas, I was a nelf hunter in Requiem and the Consortium, Also a human pally named Leedel
holy smokes dude its mee I found you. we use to go hard. hammsla dwarf warrior i played. lets link up
I’m in that screenshot with my foul mouth.
Holy hell I’m happy to find some familiarity. Anyone make contact with Kiwi/Curves, Huacas or Stedman yet? Huacas especially, he and I had so much fun.
But otherwise, I’m Duwaal, I played a Gnome Warlock here in Unstable. I’m pretty sure I was with Kiwi on a previous server as an Undead Mage, quit the game came back to find most of the guild rolled here as alliance, and then raided here.
I only stuck around here for Vanilla before playing with some RL friends in BC on Ravenholdt (it was a dark time of RPing for me). But here is where I made all my good WoW memories.
I’ll be back for Classic, likely going Dwarf Priest, but I just may reignite the Gnome Warlock fun instead.
Also, if you don’t remember me by name, I was the Warlock who’d fall asleep half way through MC on more than one occasion.
Hey all, used to play a human paladin named Pownanader was quite young when vanilla was out! Used to play with Thundering Pant Load and a guild where the leader had graves at the end of all of his names!! Looking to reconnect! If you recognize name get at me!!
Hey all, used to play a human paladin named Pownanader was quite young when vanilla was out! Used to play with Thundering Pant Load and a guild where the leader had graves at the end of all of his names!! Looking to reconnect! If you recognize name get at me!!
Yep, that sounds about right lol.
Koribak. Human and Paladin. Looking for my MMO bro Meteorx and his brother Niniveve. Would like to get back into classic with the two people i played this game with for years.
Did you play Alliance Pally? Incarnate GM?
Alearia / Yxes
Human Priest / NE Hunter
Its nice seeing some familiar names on here. Going to be rolling Horde on Herod, might see some of you there.