LMFAO! The Same Forcemaster(female human rogue) that acted like a women for an entire year? Pretty sure you played in Requiem with me, got plenty of free help bc of it
I completely forgot I did that, lol.
32 year old me is very impressed with 17 year old me’s ingenuity.
You guys don’t happen to have his info do you? Wambulance? He was in BBZ with me on horde. We changed over to Tichondrius a long time ago. He played horde for awhile then went to alliance. I quit so I lost contact with him. Trying to get in touch with him and Glorin is another… Thanks
Rockmcsmash here! Saying hi to Alissandra and Sulphor is cheating because I know them irl. tKM was good except for Uyki. Last Attempt was great. It was sad when we fizzled out and tried to merge with another guild. I still have the vids of our boss kills that Thranduil made saved somewhere.
Going Fairbanks Horde this time around. Anyone else going Fairbanks?
It was this character actually but name was Zyx. I can’t remember the name of the guild I MT for lol.
I knew we made a new guild after tkm detonated but I couldn’t remember the name. Last Attempt. Another great group.
You don’t happen to know if telchar/thranduil still plays do you?
Back in the day we had a MT named Zyx in Fidelitas, but as I recall he left the guild / stopped playing? / maybe parted with his account? shortly after getting Thunderfury.
Edit: Also - Maglev, gnome mage in Fidelitas
RipperKhan Warrior - was tank
Juanvalduez Paladin - Healer
Was in Guild Warriors Of Azeroth which I created when WoW first started. Tanked and Healed for quite bit of the guilds on Wildhammer for sometime especially during Wrath.
Joined one of the guild I used to hang with alot (Don’t remember its name) that eventually moved to Sargeras. Went with them and then moved back after some time when others started leaving WoW or moved to other servers
I remember some names mentioned here.
I know my friends and I that are still in Warriors of Azeroth are going to reserve on Whitemane.
If your on there hit us up
Started on Warsong. Uthadazane Human Paladin. I don’t recall the Guild I raided MC/BWL with. Transferred to Wildhammer to join Fist of Entropy. Then faction changed to Horde on Wildhammer and MT/OT for large guild there. (Don’t recall either.)
Ramik pointed me to this post. Yep I still play. Not doing classic though.
Been a while guys. Josh…been a long while. You all coming back?
Aryiana - NE Priest
Unstable, Fidelitas, NoX
I don’t remember many from my guilds, but the ones that stand out are Therik, Morrigen, Curves, Dareeldeal and Balkris.
There are so many peeps I recognize here which I never really interacted with. I stuck with wildhammer until halfway through BC, then rerolled an orc warrior on black dragonflight. One memory that stands out was being called a football bat by curves for showing up to raid in shadow spec. He’s not wrong
Good to see you, Moose! I got all nostalgic the other day and wasted a couple of hours reading through old threads in the ProU forums. Lots of good memories. Hope all is well with you and yours.
Canavah Human Warrior from the wildhammer server, I started in 2005…
I’m good my friend. I think some of the old UT guys are going to do classic. I’ve seen them talk about it a bit in discord at least. stupid forum won’t let me paste a URL so if you’re interested:
discord dot gg slash RCjt7U
does any1 know soulb, hes was a human rogue i think?
I played Kharhaz, Human Paladin. My brother played a Human healer named Danan.
Guilds that I was a part of were, in no particular order, probably forgetting a few…
Nex Addo
Wicked End
Much success and fun with all these guilds. Feel free to add me on Bnet if you want.
I’m making a roster of Wildhammer peeps who are playing Alliance on Herod. Post your char info below or in the bnet group and I’ll update it here.
List so far:
Oprahwinfury - Class?
Haroldd - NE Hunter
Piuq - Human Paladin
Microninja - Gnome Rogue
Unstable is rolling Horde on Herod!
Discord: peJgME2