Wildhammer Alliance Reconnections

Hey Bath!

I remember you! When I think of your name, it reminds of funny memories that I cannot remember anymore. I believe you and I were pals. Dancing around like fools and whatnot, lol. I was once Buffguy.

Best Regards

Whats your battletag?

Hey! It’s Shui. I was the raid leader for both guilds! How exciting! I rolled Razorgore horde if you haven’t picked a classic realm yet!

Lol i mean Rattlegore

Hey! been a long time, but def remember running many raids with you. Drunken Kara was some of the most fun I’ve had.

I’ll have to make a toon on that server and catch up!

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Absolutely! Emodramatica and a few others are with me too! Drunken kara was the best of times

Sweet! What’s your toons name on Rattlegore? That way I know who to look for.

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YES! I remember you all! I decided to play horde this time around. on Server Pagle. Named Karson this time around. I still tank mythic raids as the same Pali. Just named changed long ago to Karson in a guild call Transcend on US-Turalyon.

Hey man! Totally forgot about that baby photo, have no idea why I picked that back in the day.

Aylaa, Darkstorm, and a bunch of others of us are playing on Stalagg alliance side if you decide you want to come play classic. Hope to hear from you!

I’m Cuppycake and Emo is Gizzimo

What’s up!?

I played Constianna, Human Warrior. I kinda remember your name. The ones I really remember were Zarion (warrior raid lead), Oscanlon (warrior), Ezra (priest) and Kevag (paladin) oh… and sneakyelf and shadowelf, cant forget those two!

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Lolz yup! i remember that 40 minute fight :stuck_out_tongue:

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Toysrus 60 gnome rogue. I was in Shame and Mutiny. Good to see a lot of familiar faces in here.

Ended up rolling on Skeram Horde

Hey man! I was thinking about you and all the Shame guys when Classic came out. What server are you playing on?


DUDE! WASSUP!!! I Used to play Constianna Human War. We left Danu about the same time to join Øblivion, the went on to Guild Wars for some time! how ya been???

Hides Gnome Rogue, Be Negative, Aeonian Prophecy, Trauma. blah

Tulron, night elf hunter.
PvP - commander rank.
Always tried to rez people with engineering tools: jumper cables.

Great video. check out 1:03. I made it on your video.

For shame he forgot the most important.