Wildfire Cluster Legendary Drop

Hello all. I am trying to prioritize farming for the WC legendary - should I be farming the regular or heroic version of the dungeon? Any suggestions/advice for surv legendaries appreciated.

Farm mythic 20s for best results

If you’re not getting into mythic or mythic plus groups (which would be better), spam heroic. It’s a slightly better drop rate than regular.

Alternatively, you can use 35 Grateful Offerings and purchase the “Chronicle of Lost Memories” from the quartermaster. There is RNG involved; and the memories learned after reading the book are class related not spec.


You can get some incredibly unlucky rng with heroic. You could also get lucky and get it the first time.

Run mythic 0 once a week. If you can’t get into mythic plus just spam heroic.

Mythic plus will always be your best bet.

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Thanks all. I actually just got it to drop on the third heroic I ran :joy::+1:t2: