It says I collected it I even did the shift click but it is not in list I equip it and it is on my character but any time I do anything like pull up bag go into a instance anything like that it goes back to default hat on my character is this a known bug or is this just how it is
The enchanter’s hat is profession gear, which is not moggable like normal gear. There’s a tauren NPC that can help you show/hide your profession gear if the switching bothers you. But basically, if it’s shown, you’ll only see it if you’re doing enchanting and it goes away whenever you do something else that is not enchanting. It works the same way for fishing poles being shown and the like.
On a similar note though: BLIZZ PLEASE, let us mog to our profession hats, so my alchemist/enchanters can proudly walk around in their glorious hats all the time!
Oh ok I was thinking so but guess just hoped I could use the appearance…thank you for the reply
Would be super cool if we could use them for mogs tho.
Also would’ve been cool if they changed the appearance of the new profession gear.