Wild Strikes to become Raid-wide

Kings and salv?

Good good… glad to hear. So windfury is now the horde version of kings where it becomes useless like when lion became a thing. Happy we’re on the same page.

Great change, but how about Moonkin aura as well?

Not even close, ask a warrior if they rather have kings and salv or windfury. Windfury every time.

Imagine turning good news into a thread where you all fight and bicker over nothing.


Ask a Mage, Warlock, Priest, Hunter which they would rather have?

W Blizzard, good deal

Forum pvp is the only real pvp


Stop feeding the troll, people.

I tried to ask a warlock but they were all banned so I cant find any.

good. deleting WF totem from my spellbook

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those are bad warriors

fun > dps every time, telll me windfury isnt way more fun than any of the other stuff traded

this is exhausting, just delete all raid buffs already

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Good now make Rend Head turn in repeatable.

Now all shamans will force their horde druids to be windfury totems. Horde Druids stand your ground don’t let shamans boss you around.


Cool now horde can have str/agi totems that blow ally buffs out of the water.

First QOL change since release :clap:

now this passing to booomie aura

They made runes into books before, so ofc they can.

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