Wild strikes in tree of life form?

Shaman here trying to suggest something for the alliance. While heart of the lion is easy access for the horde, wild strikes remains quite restricted for the alliance, only available in one relatively rare spec. If you made it available to resto Druids in tree of life form would it help out?

No. Wild Strikes is only party wide, and you don’t want to waste a spot for a resto druid to be slotted there. I think the only solution would be to add it to Paladins. Tack it on to something like Sanctity Aura. This also creates a balance where faction specific classes mirror each other in utility.

Actually with tree of life you so want it in a melee group. Tree adds healing to your party so you could put the tree in the tank group and give him +healing and WS

At the cost of damage? Doubtful.

This post is about allowing wild strikes in tree form right? Am I drunk? You don’t miss dmg you just gain healing

You lose the party buffs from not having another melee in that group.

You just replace the feral

And then you lose leader of the pack. This circles back to the point that if we want a wild strikes equivalent, it would be better to place it on a melee class. There’s no need to sacrifice party buffs.

I whole heartedly agree! Make WF a Aura that a Paladin can turn on. Tired of shamans being extremely strong while we are stuck with underperforming ret paladins.

I mean, it depends how hard things hit. Maybe a tank would want the healing instead of lotp. I also don’t think tree is good. They should delete it and do something else but if they are gonna have it then it should also provide ws

Andies will do ANYTHING not to bring real droods :sob:

Wild Strikes coming from another source besides Feral for Alliance is a welcome suggestion. Thank you horde player. We have had 3 phases of “LFM Feral” and with potentially increasing raid sizes it only makes sense to give more options. Priests already got Eye of the Void to cover curses for warlocks, why not extend that idea to Wild Strikes? Put it on a melee such as warrior so it doesn’t interfere with raid comp and they get to be happy in 5-man content as well.

It’s 3% crit, who cares. Horde certainly doesn’t, lots of their melee groups don’t have a Feral.

We definitely need another source of WF, ideally from a melee DPS (like Enhance). I think the most logical place to put it would be on a Ret Paladin, but I could see giving it to a melee spec that underperforms. Maybe this is how we bring Combat Rogue back?

On horde side it’s definitely not unheard of to put an ele or resto shaman in a melee group to provide wfury

Sure, but that’s done because of lack of other options. Between giving another melee class wild strikes and giving resto druid wild strikes, there’s a clear winner.

It’s only a real problem if you have 10 physical classes (physical tanks + dps), in which case putting tree of life in a physical grp would pop a physical out of those groups. 4 healers, 9 physical & 7 casters doesn’t seem like an unusual comp. I guess on horde side we have more casters due to ele shamans.