Wild Experimentation is such a bait

Blizzard - lock the recipe for this behind the same one as Liquid Courage, absolute waste of time to do before then. Have done 12 WTs in the last 4 hours and failed every single one. 240 herbs just into the abyss (which is totally blizzard’s design to keep up scarcity, such trash). Please lock this recipe behind the specialization that reduces failure risk for this. Absolute bait to alchemists. Especially considering even if it doesn’t fail, youre not guaranteed a new recipe

We know you know alchemy is trash right now because you made like 6 adjustments to it just last week. You’re not done yet.

Edit: 13 straight failures

Edit: 14


Most of mine have been failures too.

The worst part is I’ve succeeded twice now and not learned a new recipe. I get rewarded one single potion I’ve already know how to make, but absolutely nothing new is learned. No new recipe.

I give up on using this and I’m just sticking to Meticulous Experimentation. Just a terrible way to implement a profession. Especially since this seems to be one of the only ones that is completely up to RNG to advance.

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By failure you mean you’re exploding each time, or are you counting non-explosions that didn’t give a recipe?

Also, you’re making sure to use Herbs you still need recipes for, right?

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In 2 days of grinding I only had 3 not explode on me and only 1 of those gave me a recipe. This is so bad.


Not only the explosion but the 10 minute lockout. I can deal with wasted mats. I don’t love killing time for 10 minutes when I’m trying to focus on profs.


correct, exploded every time. before i started counting i had one not explode, but it didn’t give a recipe

yes, i’m using orbinids as there’s a specific flask recipe i want that uses orbinids


That’s gross, sorry to hear about it.

I don’t want to make it sound like I’m a defender of the system, I just know I had a couple friends that were confused on whether or not the Herb that they were using mattered when experimenting and I had to confirm it for them a few days ago.

Honestly, sitting at the alchemy station and watching people blow up several times during my own CD is the only thing making me feel better right now.

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i thought there was no possible way they could make alchemy worse than it was in DF, but here we are!


Higher quality mats improve your chances. You can also use concentration. Not defending the system, it is trash.

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I’m literally stuck at a bottleneck because I cannot get a new recipe. I keep exploding and getting nothing but a 10 min debuff. Absolutely garbage design.

Just don’t use wild experimentation. It is a waste of herbs and time. Meticulous experimentation has a 100% success rate provided you use a herb that is used in an undiscovered recipe. Yes there’s a 24 hr cooldown but there’s only 17 recipes and no rush. If there’s a particular recipe you want (eg phial of truesight) then experiment with a herb it uses that overlaps with the smallest number of other undiscovered recipes. If you use blessing blossom for example you are guaranteed phial of truesight within a week.