Wild arcana is the worst world quest

Please change how this PVP world quest works so that one person cannot become so overpowered for an extended period of time. First, a paladin with 800k+ health massively powered up is unkillable and just deletes everyone. Next, a warrior with 1.5 million health camps the area nearly one-shotting everything in sight. According to Wowhead, there are others reaching 4m health. Because you keep getting killed, you can’t even stack the powers to get powerful enough yourself to attempt to compete with them and they just keep refreshing their powers and getting stronger. People camp it like this way beyond their own personal quest completion. I wanted to get a group together to attempt to kill the player since it’s a free-for-all zone and not faction-based, but there was no interest. I completed it, and I understand I can turn off war mode, but the quest is a PVP-only quest and the ideation needs to be reconsidered.

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