Wil blizz option to port anniversary server toons to era once tbc launches?

Actually yes it does. “records” arent set until the phase is over. Thats what makes it a record.

there is current best, then the phase ends and its the record.

nobody cares about your speed run time in month 1 of month 6 in naxx.

According to who?

Records are set every time there is a new record. And phase 6 never ended, by the way.

And again, this has little to do with my point which is that people will optimize over time.

Phase 6 absolutely ended. Hence why they are broken out in the logs and are now s0.

If you gave progress 3.5 years and ever piece of loot humanly imaginable they would have broken their record too.

These people now have S0 or era records.

Either way this is all moot points… dual spec will absolutely NOT impact these speed runs… at all. Not even close.

Again everyone stopping for 10 seconds and then fully drinking isnt exactly “fast” especially when DAMAGE IS NOT THE ISSUE… the #1 issue in speed runs is simply your movement speed… and stopping for 10 seconds to all cast something will NEVER BE FASTER than not doing it at all.

More made up garbage lies… go work for fox news… seriously. Spreading BS and lies because of a system you are against with no real reason as to why… no backing as to why… and no proof as to how it will be bad.

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s0 is just an arbitrary name the people at warcraftlogs assigned. It doesn’t really mean anything. It’s still phase 6. There has not been any new gear or raid content released since then. It’s the same phase.

But yes, as you said it’s moot.

We’ll see. And I’m really more interested in how they’ll impact the meta, the way in which people play the game. That will change. The way people raid will change one way or another.

I never suggested that’s what they’d do. It’s obviously not a requirement that all 40 people swap specs at once. You might only have 5-10 spec swaps in a raid. And it’s unlikely you’d have more than 1 person respecing at the same time.

It’s not a matter of bad or good. It’s a matter of altering the vanilla experience.

Why do people keep saying this, it’s nonsense.

Just wipe the 2nd spec and poof, no concern. Why are you acting like it’s some completely irremovable trait attached to the character code or something? If they can voluntarily buff the damage % of your mindblast by 12% whenever they want, pretty sure they can send your character to an era server without your 2nd spec available. Blizzard has the technology.

This is such a dumb excuse. They may very well not offer era transfers, but if they don’t, dual spec will have nothing to do with it.

does that erase all the time you spent leveling in easy mode thanks to having 2 specs? :expressionless: if you want an era character, level one the right way in era dude.

IDK, ask Season of Mastery bros who leveled with huge EXP bonus and still wound up in Era after SoM closed.

you mean a minor boost to quest exp only, zero boost to mob exp? :expressionless:

The collective XP gained from quests on a standard 1-60 grind is exponentially higher in total amount than what is gained from mob kills (assuming the leveler actually voluntarily does quest).

You are arguing without a full bag of beans, champ.

The benefits of shortening the leveling process by a huge quest exp buff are exponential over that of whatever benefits you’re going to attempt to argue dual spec provides a lvl 40-59 player.