Wicked the Movie

I saw it today.

Didn’t like it. I am not a fan of musicals (I only came because my sister begged me to), and I thought it was a bad fan fic of the original Wizard of Oz. I later googled the play the movie was based on, and it turns out it’s based on a 1995 book by the same name. So it is a fan fic! I didn’t like the actor’s singing and thought it was nonstop singing after singing.

It was one of the cringiest movies I have ever seen in my life.


I was forced to listen to the soundtrack because we were riding with my sister-in-law in her car. None of the songs I heard were good. I legit don’t get the hype behind this movie.

Did you like the Barbie movie?

I saw the live musical years ago in the theater and really enjoyed it. I liked how so much of what was thought of the Wicked Witch was perception. Can’t say that it really stuck with me cause when I saw the movie I couldn’t remember anything. At first I really wasn’t enjoying it, the musical aspect just not working. In the end, it was meh.

Are you asking me, the OP or both?

I didn’t watch the Barbie movie. Didn’t seem like my kind of thing. When I was a little girl, my Barbies mostly stayed in my toy box. I was a huge fan of Breyer horses and my mom would buy those for me when she could afford them. I love my original My Little Ponies too.

Meanwhile the two actresses are clearly starving and saying some dumb dumb things in interviews. That was a bit of a turn off.

“oooo look at me getting mad someone edited my movie poster to look like the book cover. me want to look at audience and let people connect with my eyes on the poster cuz eye contact important”


Like just be honest you want people to see your stupid face

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What 2 actresses that are starving? Like they are unable to get nutrition or that is a figure of speech?

The two chicks in the lead roles for Wicked. They’re both mega skinny. And given some of the dumb things both of them say, that probably has something to do with it.

You ever talk to folks that starve themselves? The brain gets a lil loopy

I’m actually taking a hard pass on this movie. I saw the Broadway production when it came to SF. It was awesome.

But, ever since the Phantom movie destroyed my heart concerning the Broadway musical…I’m shying away from all live action movies made from cartoon movies and Broadway musicals.

It’s not like the old days with Seven Brides for Seven Brothers, the movie was just as good as the production.