Faction: Alliance
Server: Lightbringer
We’re looking for talented RDPS and specifically a Warrior and Ret Paladin. We have gone 8/8 Heroic and 3/8 Mythic so far in BFA. We run scheduled M+s and generally have enough people online to do whatever you like.
About us:
This is an old guild dating back to 2008. We have a solid core of officers and have been getting AOTC on heroic since WOD. Most of us are working professionals. We consider ourselves mythic progression raiders. We hit 3/8 Mythic on the first raid on BFA and are looking forward to the challenge of defeating Lady Jaina in the next raid.
Raid Times:
Thurs 6:30-9:00pm (Heroic) Server time (Pacific)
Sat/Sun, 6:30PM-9:30pm (Mythic Progression) Server time (Pacific)
Raider Expectations:
- Be on time.
- Know your class thoroughly and have the confidence to give and receive criticism on your class.
- Be comfortable having your warcraft logs reviewed and feedback given.
- Know your role for a boss fight for each and every boss.
What you can expect from the Guild
- Professional Staff
- Leadership to wrangle 20 people from all over the world together to take down mythic bosses
- Raid Flasks and Potions
- Professional non-hostile raid environment
Loot is personal except for BOE’s which the guild uses to pay for cauldrons and other things. Everyone is responsible for prepots/mana pots, however the guild makes these available at a subsidized cost. We have a system to roll on unwanted gear.
What we need:
The average ilvl of the raid group is 380. The ideal candidate would be no more than 5 item lower - however, we will consider other awesome players. A positive attitude is required because this is a chill group. We screen all likely candidate’s logs and raiding history and a two-week probationary period before you become an official raider with the guild.
Additional Info
We use discord it is required.
Some addons are required.
If interested, please whisper Zoobi#11504, Raxah#1345