it’s an MMO, the grind is the game. I mean. why play if you don;t like the main gameplay loop?
Pservers seem to be the only faithful iterations of vanilla/tbc/wotlk any more
Also doesn’t fix player tastes, to use a word.
even 3 weeks into sl the fun began. YOu want an m0. LFG has crews needing m5 to run it already.
Make your own. and your hits…also want m5. so they leave. also had this fun with rated. Adds when you have no RBG experience ergo basically honor only gear don’t attract people in droves.
an oddity I never got. see coming from eve…I see why things are picky there. When I am in a 2 billion isk ship i can be selective. I get less then good people on pvp op or incursions…I am losing a 2 billion isk ship. As a wing commander (eve has a few layers of group leadership)…yeah…that is my butt if I rung up several losses at say 12 billion isk. So I want good people properly geared in my wing.
Wow…oh no we wiped. I lost 1 million gold. Oh wait…no I didn’t. 4 gold repair.
I’ve leveled maybe 40 characters over the years to max level. The end game is fun for me. Leveling is not. I’m very happy for you, that you are new enough to enjoy it.
Lvling in Wrath was fun, a free boost is great after I level my main to 80 I’ll lvl something else to 80 with the boost and if I want any alts (Which I will) I’ll lvl through the content again, What’s the complaint here exactly?
It’s an mmo RPG… if you can’t handle leveling, you shouldn’t be playing.
Personally, I’m thrilled they’re finally killing instance boosting… god forbid you actually have to *gasp play the game and *double gasp learn how to actually play your damn character before you hit level cap.
The problem with LFx systems is that it was applied to so many things that its become easy to just point the finger at all LFx in general and say it was bad. LFD makes sense in the context of WOTLK and I understand why they did it.
As the level cap keeps going up, and in the absense of a paid boost the barrier to entry for new players, or just the hassle of engagment for people wanting to level alts is huge. Leveling 1-80 just by questing is a HUGELY demanding (and if youve done it before) boring task that takes ages. LFD provides an alternate leveling path that is faster, more fun and more engageing and lets you swap between questing and leveling depending on how you feel. It makes sense in that context.
Blizzard put a lot of effort into making dungeons and raids but unlike raids which continue to see engagement across the whole expansion, dungeons are really only used for the first few weeks of the expansion and then largely forgotten. They clearly tried to address this in TBC by putting a moderatly rewardly daily in but it didnt work. Dungeons engagement tends to slip away after the initital release of the expansion. LFD fixes this in wotlk, by putting lfg in, tying a badge or emblem daily to it and decreasing the difficulty so the 5 random people who get put in a group together are able to over come it keeps dungeons relevent and also provides an ongoing progression path for new players and alts who level to 80 after the initital release is over and general community engagement has dropped off. At the moment in tbc when u ding mid expansion you basically have to buy your way into GDKPS or find a guild and that isnt always easy. So LFD makes sense as a new player/alt catch up mechanic for after the start of the expansion when the rest of the community has moved on further down the progression path.
Raid finder on the other hand would make no sense. Raids are still actively engaged in across the whole expansion. Groups are running all the time. They don’t help the leveling problem and there is no need for them at max level since you can get a group to the first entry level raid no problem right up until the end of the expansion. This application of LFx is i think where it started causing damage to the game because it devalues existing raid progress. Killing illidan means something but it means less with raid finder when everyone kills it. Social heirarchy and sense of progress within a community matters and means something and raid finder devalued that. LFD didn’t because no one cares about dungeon progress, they were never anything more than a stepping stone to raiding.
Removing LFD now is being put forward as encouraging social interaction. How? When i level my alt mid expansion hating myself every step of the way because of how boring the 1-80 grind is to do for the millionth time, is the world going to be full of people i can interact with? no… its only ever like that on release and once the main community reaches max level its empty… it will be just as empty with or without LFD. Will it help social interaction at max level? Well before I would que with 5 randoms and do an easy dungeon… is it much social interaction… not really… its a tiny bit but not much… ok… so now its gone what will it look like… well ill hit 80 mid expansion, I cant use LFG tool to find a dungeon because they had their difficulty increased so you need raid gear to do them and i only have leveling greens… no social interaction there… guess ill go buy real money gold (if im a new player without existing gold) and join a GDKP… totally a place known for social interaction and forming strong bonds. The current changes replace LFD with GDKP and atleast a new player with LFD didnt have to buy real money gold to do it.
I really don’t get the rational at all unless a wow token is about to be introduced because thats the only way to make sense of this from blizzards pov. There changes make the game objectivly worse for anyone leveling mid expansion because GDKP will be the only progression path and the only way blizzard profit from that is a wow token so
a) they made the game worse for new players/alts by pushing them into GDKP without a wow token in which case i don’t understand it since i think most new players would just quit (if they made it past the enourmous 1-80 grind)
b) they made the game worse for new players and alts by pushing them into GDKP with a wow token and that does make sense, they will still lose just as many new players i think since i doubt many will get past 1-80 but maybe they figure they make more money from the existing community based on current GDKP engagement.
either way im left with 2 options that share the same outcome. Blizz are ruining the game for reasons i dont understand, or their ruining for greed… but they are ruining it.
Also increasing the difficulty of Naxx makes sense if you want to push fresh 80’s into gdkps for the same reason making dungeons harder works. Cant have it be easy enough someone can just make their group and do it. It needs to be hard enough that if you cant find a guild, a GDKP is your only chance. Just some thoughts.
Reminder: LFD was added in patch 3.3.5 which strangely enough is the patch Blizz is using for their classic server.
Please try again.
so they added it for the patch that was… wait for it… after release and… wait for it again… alts were leveling. Thanks for reinforcing my point which was directly at the state of the game AFTER release
Reminder: Systems were not added immediately upon release, even if the content would have been available based on the ‘patch’ version.
See: Battlegrounds, and Ranking in Vanilla.
It was added for a reason, namely the massive cries of people who hated the LFG tool, realized it was useless and needed something better. It was a delayed solution to a long standing problem; if they’d had it ready before then they would’ve deployed sooner because it’d been asked for since BC.
Blizzard announced during TBC that LFD was coming.
Blizzard announced during TBC that LFD was coming.
Yeah, and yet people act as if LFD was a surprising development tacked on at the late end of Wrath. It got delayed but it was something very needed to combat the same problems Classic BC is experiencing, which is why its so weird they didn’t just ship out BC classic with it. Cross-server LFD would’ve kept mega-servers from spawning and would’ve curtailed dead server exodus bc people on the unfavored factions / smaller servers could’ve still done content and bypassed random griefing from gankers. Such a weird backwards decision to not implement it.
It’s really only punishing to new players coming back for wrath.
Players that have been here through TBC all ready have tons of alts and wrath leveling isn’t that hard at all.
Blizzard devs gonna make a pre-made expansion worse somehow
Completely false, it’s LFD lovers that want the boost.
What on Earth are you using to base this Hogwash on?
They are the 0 effort players that want to sit around in the city afk teleport to dungeon and/or afk inside the dungeon. Whatever allows them to rush rush rush to their loot crate.
We want to put our effort into completing the dungeon, not finding people to play with. There are no loot crates.
That crap was added in the last patch of Wrath and immediately subs began their collapse.
When you type garbage like this - do you actually believe it? Even though anyone with an internet connection and some basic reasoning capacity can demonstrate how far from the truth it is? Did someone tell you this and you just decided to believe them because it made you feel good? Did you just pull it straight out of your own backside?
You’re showing up to a tired debate three months late and trying to get away with the Bull Spit that got debunked in the first round. You’re like a child who wanders into the middle of a movie.
The new LFG tool they’ve added in looks lit anyway, why would you ever want LFD over it? Rhetorical question. I know you want to afk as much as possible.
Shut the Front Door, Donny - you’re out of your element.
Never understand the argument of LFD causing people to afk. Searching for a group causes you to afk in a capital city for hours while you spam “LF TANK” every 2 minutes.
With LFD you can quest, do your professions, rp, pvp, literally whatever you want while you are waiting for a dungeon queue to pop.
That was then.
This is now.
Now they are starting at patch 3.3.5.
Sure it may be for the sake of class balancing but let’s not pretend that if it was to be put in they could have put it in at WOTLKC launch rather than do it the exact same way they did it back then.
But they won’t.
Not until boost sales drop.
Or until something happens and they need to curry favour again.
play the game the way it was meant to be played or leave, this game isnt for you.
“5 runs 15g sir”
“please exit need reset dung sir”
what a community feature