Why you making wotlk so unfriendly to alts

We all agree with ya… But dont be mad at Zaalg for pointing out what Blizz seems to want to force people to do. Its sad but true.

I don’t get what’s being said at all here, Out of all the expansions I’ve played, I geared out 7 different alts in gear from every raid (Except ruby sanctum, I never did it, That was in wotlk right? too long.) Because of how easy it was to gear, the reputation factions alone give you gear easily, especially since you can wear a tabard to further increase your reputation gains weekly, it’s the only expansion where I actually cared to alt at all.

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This is true… Think the OP may be a little to worried for no reason…

That said, I will be happy to see a lot less SM/Strat/etc… Boost in /4


A 6-8 week 50% xp buff is anti alt and pro blizzard boost?


The 50% xp buff is overrated.

Because…character investment should be a thing…AND…buy more boosts

Leveling is an arduos grind if you have the attention span of a squirrel and need your McDonalds right now. Leveling takes maybe, MAYBE 4-5 days played if you know anything about the layout of the zones and how to quest efficiently. With the xp boosts…man…its going to fly by. You find one dungeon group on level and you’ll fly through until the mobs become gray.

Just because you don’t like part of the game (that many find great), doesn’t mean you shouldnt have to do it. Yikes.


Lol ok your right

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RDF at the very least should be added for 1-70 content.


a 1.5x multiplier on xp is overrated? I bet you create an alt, get to 8 quickly before leaving the start zone and wonder how. It’s a multipler and a not-insignificant one. Quests, mobs, cloth turn ins, the level 40 badlands turn ins, 55 lost hope mats turn in…literally any dungeon run you take the time to put together. This buff makes all of that fly by.

But, out of respect, explain to me how its overrated.


Fine using your logic, you must right now stop leveling and go kill Kil’Jaden just because you dont like part of the content doesn’t mean you can skip it, so get into sunwell right now and do the content.

Read my second post.
And that 4-5 days is only in the most special of cases with absolutely no mishaps and several dungeon runs along the way.

Might be different come WOTLK but back when I played WOTLK we had RDF.
But given how anti social WoW is I don’t know if I’d even be able to play often enough without getting sick and tired of all the brats hellbent on ruining everyone else’s experience.

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I like all the content. I’m not sure you’re replying to any of my posts.

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At 1.5x, you could sit and farm green mobs 4-6 levels below you and slam through levels pretty fast.


I am indeed, your level 18, so get to 70 now and do sunwell, no more excuses, i expect to see a completed sunwell next week, otherwise you don’t get to make your stupid argument again

Wow is horrible for alts. Retail and Classic.

I agree they are pushing people to boost. Makes sense more money in their pocket.

Two things, what does 4-5 days played mean to you.

Seems like the stupid argument didn’t come from me…

Two, I wouldn’t post on here with my mains, modern gamers are sociopaths, never know where that would go.

well unless proven otherwise by you posting from your main, this is your main, and last i checked it hasn’t done the content in this game, meaning your arguments are invalid

4-5 days played that is 90-110 hours of gametime. Thats a long time. Also thats over a week or 2 maybe a month as well. No one plays for 4-5 days straight

The 60 dollar boosts are worth way more than 4-5 days of my life leveling again lol

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Then buy a Blizzard boost? No one cares if you do/don’t do that. That doesn’t change how easy it is to level.

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