Why you gotta do Dracthyr like this

Release this new class, few of us pick it up and enjoy it despite the restrictions

Then NOW you come along and finally allow common items to be transmoggable.


and no, visage form is not a good substitute


I’m confused. What are you upset about?


“we” want more xmog targets for Dracthyr.

granted, its fine in design. not something i would say “dont make this race class because a lack of xmog”

but i dont think the tech issues behind it are even that big of an issue.

target the textures onto fixed armor targets overlaid on the characters. we could get a few more nice xmog visual options in the barber shop with a target overlay for the mog system to point to.

like, let us wear silly hats on Dracthyr

let shirt textures be projected onto the model in a designated area.
do them in batches. add a armor slot every point 5 patch or main patch as part of side content. even if it can only be applied to new items (so manually adding hundreds of old items isnt too time consuming)

like, the tier sets for dracthyr should have more than like 2-3 items useable in dragon form.

(and white items are going to be mogable but dracthyr wont be able to make much use of that addition)

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The dracthyr transmog situation was crap even before they announced it though.

They kinda wrote themselves into a corner with Dracthyr. They can’t just enable mail and transmog because there are quite a few people who like to run around naked or use the barbershop armour. Just enabling transmog would screw over all those people.

They would have to separate Visage and Dragon forms for transmog, and make everything (including pants) able to be hidden in Dracthyr form. I am not sure how easy that would be to separate all that. :frowning:

Edit: To be clear, I support more options for Dracthyr… just saying that it would require more work than just turning transmog on. :frowning:

When did they say common items were finally moggable? I thought it was a delayed feature.

While in Dracthyr form, you’re only able to transmog a few things (Shoulders, belt buckle, and weapon)

Having played for a while, and knowing in the future as someone who likes to collect transmog and stuff, such a major QoL change in this regard to letting these items become available.

Just makes me a tad salty about the Dracthyr restrictions that this came out after having time to make this character my main.

I know alts are easy to make, but I do really enjoy playing evoker - and I knew coming into playing it options were poor, but I’m also like dang, if I knew such a cool change was coming would it have influenced my choice in main

I get ya now. Thanks for clarifying!

They were supposed to ha e grey and white stuff added to transmog in prepatch. But they ran out of time and had to push it back.

My only gripe is why the hell is transmog for visage not separate from transmog for lizard form?


i dont see where the problem is. :dracthyr_hehe:

The problem is with the way it works right now. Say they just all of a sudden turned transmog on without changing anything. I would not be able to have the look I have right now because I would be forced to wear mail pants of some kind. My poor Visage form would be naked of everything BUT pants.

They have to separate the two forms. Let each form be moggable how you wish, and let the Dracthyr hide all mail armour if they wish. Then you could choose which to show on both. Unfortunately it is not currently set up that way. :frowning:

I read it somewhere that it’s coming next patch iirc

I actually didn’t know it’s been planned to be put in - which I’m kicking myself because I didn’t pay attention to any news/changes before playing this xpac because I wanted it to be

:sparkles: A mystery :sparkles:

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Yeah it’s not like blizzard cares too much about clipping anyway lmao

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yes, that should have been how it worked in the first place. would be interesting to hear if there was a technical limitation preventing it or if it was something they failed to think of. Regardless, that where it needs to get to. could have been real simple. could have added some hidden mog pages to store what is seen.

now, i can understand how having two entirely separate concepts could conflict with the functionality of the system. like if some armor can be barber shop/ character creation options. that can cause some odd issues with the rest of the system. which is why i said the barber shop needs an extra armor option that basically acts as a switch so the normal mog system can work.

and then add in the barber shop armor into the xmog system with a Dracthyr armor type tab so it can still be used with the mog system. basically by passing the barber shop armor to get all that into the mog system.

not a bad idea to have it in the barber shop but it prob added a lot of unnecessary complexity to a system that already existed just to give Dracthyr a bit more character creation screen options.

I wouldn’t mind the lack of xmog if our tier sets actually showed on our body.



least they could have done was added the few extra options into the barber shop version of armor selection.


Yeah this is pretty depressing. Here I was hoping for at least unlocking more mog like we do for our dragonriding mounts

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I want to make my own sets for my Dracthyr through transmog. I want a reason to go farm mail transmog.

I really hope they change this

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That still doesn’t work. You can’t just add the barbershop armour to the transmog system and call it a day because you can’t hide pants. For me, that is the biggest problem. I do not want ANY mail on my Dracthyr. If they just integrated the barbershop armour into the system we have now I would be able to hide some pieces, choose some pieces, be stuck with a mostly naked Visage, and have pants I do not want and can’t get rid of.

Not until you can choose other races.

When I preview mogs sometimes it previews as dracthyr. Idk if its a visual bug or them working on making more mogs work with dracthyr with custom fittings. I will say that the head shape makes helms look weird. But its better then just mogging shoulders snd belts.