Why XP buff in new season?

Again, you’re failing to read. It’s a VERSION of Classic. Versions are different. That’s what the word “version” means.

It may be helpful if you consult a dictionary when you do not know what a word means.

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We just unpacked this. “Version” is not a disqualifier. Keep up.

And yet, you’re still not getting it somehow.

The word version means different. That’s a definition. That’s why SoD is different from other forms of Classic WoW you’ve played. It’s because it’s a VERSION of Classic WoW.

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…Let me hold up a mirror for you. Now this to yourself.

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Ahh, the old “no you”. The hallmark of an intellectual giant.

Read this and answer it for me.

This depends on the definition of Classic and Vanilla.

Answer this for me, what is the definition of the word “version”?


I’m not answering anything until you answer my simple question.

Right, that’s because you can’t. That’s why Blizzard has continued to ignore your arguments about “muh leveling” experience.

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Bloom, I thought you were more intellectual than this. You’re clearly deflecting because you know where this leads.

Let me ask you this, is 1.15 classic?

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There’s really no where else for us to go actually. You don’t know what “version” means and Blizzard will continue to ignore your argument even further after it has been shown to be a semantic argument built off of your misunderstanding of what a word means.

Sound familiar? That’s because this happened the last time you complained about the XP buff lol.


Yep, like Hardcore is also a version of Classic. They both are based on Classic, both have additional features added and changes made.

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Keep up deflection. You know you’ve lost :slight_smile:

But using Aguy’s logic, hardcore IS classic, and not a version of it. :man_facepalming: :man_facepalming:

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I love the nightly Aguy roasts, brings a tear to my eye. :joy:

Blizzard has made the XP buff better since the last time you complained about it (even making it available for the new level bracket), ignoring your “arguments” to remove it completely.

Are you sure I’m the one that lost here?

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At this point, Era is a version of Classic as well. There have been many changes since 2019.

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Bloomsday, just give up. Aguy’s done lost to the point where he’s just trolling now. At least, I hope he’s trolling at this point lol.


Amount of time invested has nothing to do with difficulty. The word you’re looking for is tedious, and many people don’t want to play something tedious when they just did it a few years ago and then again in hardcore.

If you’d like to do tedious things, turn off the xp buff.