Why WoW Will Get Better in 8.2 (and onwards)

They absolutely can. Just put back in some of the abilities that were taken away the last 3 expansions.

They just refuse to do it.


Fair enough.

I guess a major concern is balancing, but who the hell cares about balancing when the class isn’t fun?

Are you suggesting the game is balanced right now? :rofl:

They can change the gear all they want. The issue is the pruning and homogenization of classes will still be in effect. No class fantasy, No immersive characters, and the game will still be bad.


ROFL true. I was talking about their “attempts” at balancing, and as a result, there’s just so much pruning. So. Much. Pruning. And simplification of specializations, too.

I miss TBC-Wrath and MoP class design. Those were great.


This is a good thing but not good enough. The traits should be completely taken off of the items and made available as a talent-type of system. Some of them are too valuable to be part of a RNG system and a lot of them are utter junk.

Not to mention they are extremely difficult to balance against your current spec, talents, content type, iLevel, and secondary attributes. A lot of the traits are just too complex to know if they are better or worse than other ones. And most of the guides and sims out there aren’t much help for any role other than DPS.

Most of these improvements don’t address core, deep-rooted issues in the game. They are bandaids over the problems and are too little too late. The expansion needs a serious overhaul and until then it’s going to continue to bleed player base.

OP hates warfronts with a passion then applauds heroic warfronts.

Does anyone have any information on what will make Blizzcon 2019 so special? Any guesses?

If these come to WoW that will be amazing :slight_smile:. Hopefully they change WoW for the better.

So 2 warfronts are all the game will ever get? That seems a lot like some of the stuff they abandoned during WoD, although they’re not abandoning the expansion altogether like they did for WoD.

Also, the interview paints a fine picture of what they’re hoping to achieve, but it’s taken them 7 months to finish up a single new race that was begun before the launch of the game. Unless they’ve been working on all the things they’re trying to fix (and would have had to know they needed fixing before players ever complained about it which is a time paradox basically) I find it extremely hard to believe they can pull off half of what Feasel says in this interview.

I think long-term, next expansion, the WQs and Outdoor changes could be done. Either that, or there’s going to be a long drought between 8.1.5 and 8.2 to fit all this stuff in.

It’s really sad hearing them talk about how every class has a “Mobility Talent Tier” and things like that. Nobody feels unique anymore, and it sucks.

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8.2 is 1 of the suckiest ever, the rep grind alone is enough to make me stop playing the game all together

Yeah, this post definitely did not age well.


Yup nothing is gonna change. 8.2 is just more of the same. Rep grinds and WQs are not content. At least not fun.

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OP tailored 3 strawmen to suit his answers. 8.2 fixes nothing terrible about this game. Garbage is garbage. Scaling, classes, now mounts will be tokened for flying and everything else.

People don’t even remember that they halved the rep rewards from stuff from a SINGLE EXPANSION ago and they’re all like, “Oh please Blizzard, bringer of dopamine crack, please give me less rep so I can have flying… something I was able to purchase at max level once upon a time.”

Like groveling before a drug dealer. Pathetic.

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am I missing something

I looked up and had to snicker at how poorly it aged.

“Less Gating!”

Uh let’s see … chunk of quests gated behind getting rank 3. Then another chunk of quests gated behind getting a total of 10 ranks for your bodyguards.

And outside of a few rare items here and there, you’re capped at 1 rank per day for your bodyguards.

That’s some pretty heavy Time Gating right there.

I could go on an on but its beating a dead horse. Everything the OP said has aged poorly and in a week we’ve already seen that the new zones are more of the same. Perhaps the most interesting thing so far was the Chromie event on Mechagon.

They twisted their words a bit on that. They’re technically correct, much like a lawyer learns how to technically lie without it being a lie.

If you have your Heart at 43 or higher, the “rings” are all unlocked. The center point however, which buffs the item level and power of all the rings requires higher levels of Heart.

8.2 is out and BfA hasn’t gotten better.


I agree with what was stated previously (Ashburner). Seemingly, like most things, Blizz launches with a rough start and improves overtime–that’s pretty much all software nowadays with everything being web and sub based. And honestly, that’s fine for the most part. I don’t share the same angst and fervor as many, but totally understand how frustrating it is to have something you’ve poured tremendous time into devolve into something that simply isn’t fun. That said, I do think WoW is still a lot of fun and most of the fundamental aspects of it remain great (PvP, exploration, questing, raids/dungeons, etc.), there are just areas that need tweaking or more thought prior to their implementation.

The issue is where/when things launch completely broken, or feeling as such. I play multiple classes, but as of the great culling (lol) of abilities, I’ve almost exclusively played my hunter. This is because the rest of the ranged classes feel completely immobile and clunky, and most of the classes are spammy with too few abilities for my preference–my action bars are swiss cheese on my other classes. Furthermore, I don’t mind managing 30-50 abilities and prefer to have my characters/class to feel more fluid and versatile, but certainly not homogenized (generic). Tinkering with classes and specs to find new ways to improve them–or even play them differently–is probably the most interesting aspect of this game to me.

Warfronts, Islands, Gear and Content:
I like that Blizz is still trying new things. Warfronts and Islands are actually conceptually awesome and were decently implemented into the game. The issue with Warfronts, as was mentioned, is they take a bit too long for the payoff and lose their novelty after a few runs.

This is easily fixable though:

  • Have gear rewards (as should be the case to some extent across the board) scale better, so they are worthwhile and content is continually worth doing.
  • Just make warfronts take slightly less time going forward–I don’t think they are terribly long currently, as long as everyone participates and completes objectives (about 2/3rds of the time in my experience).

I think Azerite is an okay addition. I’m not crazy about the abilities, because I prefer abilities that are more class based, and thus, will more likely stay with my class going forward into future expansions. Plus, I want my abilities to play more off of my class and not be something every class can use. Still, it’s a fun and somewhat interesting system that I enjoy tweaking/customizing. I don’t hate it; something better could certainly be in its place.

Going Forward:
Could anyone imagine if the NFL changed the entire sport of football every couple of years. Suddenly, QBs can’t throw the ball, linemen aren’t allowed to stand, and running backs now have to walk backwards or it’s a 100 yard penalty–this is really funny if you know anything about football. This is what every expansion is like for WoW. Maybe some like it, maybe some don’t. More importantly, it makes the game entirely different and is not a good recipe for creating followers (especially for an eSport). People following (American) football don’t want to wake up tomorrow and find their sport changed into rugby, and WoW can often (unfortunately) feel this way. Devs created something truly great, everyone became completely invested and then they burnt their masterpiece to the ground. If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. It’s just a bad business model: don’t spend time/resources making something awesome to completely blow it up every couple of years. People hated Win8, they don’t like games moving to mobile (leave that for children playing angry birds) and they don’t want their favorite game to become something unrecognizable.

New expac and patch changes should be more focused on the new content, current bug fixes, balance, and lore, rather than character overhauls and side games (IMHO).

Just some thoughts; hopefully, this offers productive insight for Devs and the community.

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