Why wow PVP is terrible

It’s an entry level to pvp, where you play the class you find fun to master it.

Not collect free wins.

The people that actually play this game are good. I know tons of people who has almost 0 arena experience but do EXTREMELY well in randoms.

You q 100 bgs, you’ll be a better player

you q 1000 bgs and you’re on your way to be a great player


Zoolander - Crazy Pills (Will Ferrell) - YouTube

Tfw you’re trying to turn player vs player into free wins just so you never have to try at the game.

Go do pve if you want the game to be easy

Do pvp if you enjoy trying to outsmart the opponent

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What are you even talking about? Who said any of this? Are we just playing the create your own narrative game now? It’s kind of getting to the point where either I am completely mentally incompetent or you are just a crazy person because all you do is answer questions no one asked and yell at the wind as if it attacked you.

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Proceeds to ignore the sarcasm

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You’re saying I don’t understand the pvp experience for the average player.

I do.

The average player wants to Q bgs because they enjoy pvp.

I know tons of average players. They do bgs all the time, no arena, just vibing in randoms.

“Hey how the games been going”

“Good I tried out this new spec!”
“thinking of leveling X cuz it owned me today and it looks fun”

I was literally just qing 1400 3s games to help a friend out with cap. I fully understand the casual player experience. I do lfg arena all the time, do yolos for community (Made forum posts about it) and invite anyone to my random group who requests. Offer advice for specs, strats on how to win.

I think it is you who does not understand the average bg rat

https://worldofwarcraft.blizzard.com/en-gb/character/us/quelthalas/gofreeman This is a casual friend of mine. He q’s bgs all day long with any group he can join, solo q’s and makes a MASSIVE impact on any game he is in. He’s never been 1800 in arena. He exclusively plays the game for fun. He also wins almost 90% of his bgs.

this 1 million percent.

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^ is a player that genuinely understood what I meant when I said

“I only had time to run 2 bgs today”

i like gear gaps.

its the only way i can get a kill… is by encountering a fresh 70 player with crappy green gear.

thanks blizzards for giving garbos like me a fighting chance

So anyways…

Crud you’re doing fine, just keep it up and you’ll get there. If you take your damage, divide it up by the time played in the BG. Factor out the downtime (Switching between nodes, deaths, in between team fights, etc…) I gotta imagine you’re pulling ~30k-40k dps? I’ve seen worse. Much, much worse.


We’ve been over this every expansion. It’s a gear based game. If gear didn’t matter, youd have nothing to work towards. Just keep grinding and you’ll gear up eventually to be able to even the odds.

That’s not going to work because PvE players should have fun too. Especially around NPCs that PvE players are killing most of the time.

Then go play defense if they are rushing. It’s all about communication.

Not everyone wants to be stuck in a BG for hours on end. But if they make it so you can join and leave without deserter then im all for it.

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i agree. blizz did a terrible job. they need to change. back in the recent years, it was good. but now it is not. not many want to play anymore.

What Bri is getting at, is she’s saying the more you play one class, the better you’ll get.
Which, some casuals care about that, some don’t.
Random BGs are not skilled based, unless you face premades, then of course better players will stomp worse players, just how it is in really any game that has a randomized mode feature. If you get stomped, just tab out and watch a youtube vid or something, or if it really pisses you off, leave the bg and take a breather.
Random BGs do not need MMR, however. If you want any sort of MMR or rating based system, you play RBGs. Randoms are there for a casual and fun atmosphere, not to get sweaty.

So do that then. No one is saying not to, but complaining about it does nothing.

Please no. Let him enjoy his nap.

It simply isn’t designed to be fair.

You’d have more luck getting a kill in a lobby where the entire enemy team are world championship players on CoD, than you are to kill anyone with fresh toon vses a premade of gladiators.

yes please…

lets (YOU the individual player) do better by showing up in some gear and actually giving a sh1t… don’t be AFK… or totally oblivious during a BG…

don’t have the “it doesn’t matter bro” attitude…
don’t show up wearing BOA’s that are 0/6 upgrade and you are now level 45 (the BOA stopped at 39)
don’t show up with i-lvl 9 gear from start zones at level 50…
don’t show up as a healer with AGILITY staff and STRENGTH trinkets…

lets do a better job BEFORE we hit that que button… OK

Heeeey, this is me, except I am not good, win about 50% and I am 1000 arena hero.

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Always welcome to come join us on alliance!

Our group loves bgs lol

if you’re only 500 honor level people will tease you =O

I am only like 438 honor level =(

But, I also didn’t exploit to get it like I hear a lot of folks did in WoD or something. Just solo Q random bgs for almost 2 decades now lol.

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