Why WoW Does Have Gay Characters --

And you don’t see them.

  1. Public displays of affection are creepy - no matter your orientation.
  2. It’s actually more insulting to fetishize, objectify them, or identify them by their preferences, rather than the nature of their character.
  3. Breaking into people’s homes to find out what they’re doing in the bedroom usually results in several felonies.
  4. The game is rated T for Teen. Anything sexually-explicit is supposed to be flirty at best and not the focus of the game.
  5. Blizzard’s writers would not do it well. Ever seen every 90s sitcom character ever that was gay? Yeah… they’d boomer harder than that. That’s why every Overwatch character comes out as gay AFTER their stories are written, much like a side-note and not a defining part of their actual attributes or personality.
  6. Blizzard’s writers are not the people who wrote Will & Grace.
  7. By keeping it in everyone’s pants - angry soccer moms don’t get angry, people who want an escape from those types of topics and fights IRL don’t get angry, and gay (and lesbian) people don’t get offended by Blizzard completely boomering such topics.

No feeding the trolls…


Feeding the what now? :slight_smile:

Seriously just put your homophobia in my thread.


C-c-c-c-combo breaker. :slight_smile:


i know this is sorta a joke topic but i agree, having gay characters are cool, but making a point to show that they’re gay feels a little forced. it should just be a character trait and they should have their own personalities besides it, just like real life

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We need more characters picking their noses.


Exactly. I’ve had friends who I didn’t know were gay IRL for years, TBH.

It just never came up, until one day they just showed up with their boyfriend or girlfriend to a hang out.

Just along the lines of, “Huh, didn’t know that.”


Sounds like a good lawsuit actually sense their isn’t people can take offense to this like everything else in this world

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Everyone wants anduin to do butt stuff but they think it’s weird if he bangs jaina

I know this isn’t what you meant to write, but reading this, I’m thinking…

“So… there are these ‘isn’t people’, who have the ability to take offense at things using their ‘sound-like-a-good-lawsuit’ sense…”

You rock my forum world, Goblineer.

well yea, if he does stuff with jaina then he’s cheating on daddy genn, and that’s just not cool

I mean they have lesbians and straights, so where are the gays?

My grandpa had a dog named “Boomer”.

Every time I read “ok boomer”, I’m thinking:


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You’re really mad at this person. Like… super mad. Just repeatedly spamming insults. So mad. Lol.

So then how do explain all the love stories between heterosexual characters? If any of your points were true, we would have no idea that Thrall and what’s her name are doing the nasty (just for one example).