I don’t think you understand the current player base. The PvPers as you describe are the minority. Most people play the game for the raid and the competition. It’s definitely not the good guilds only.
And people always want engaging classes and spec, wdym ? The lore of the classes gets you to buy or try a game but it’s the gameplay that makes you stay especially when it comes to PvP.
We’re not discovering a new game here. The sense of magic and novelty we had 20 years ago is gone. Most of the players know the game inside and out and some of its short-comings when it comes to unfinished classes and specs are more blatant today that it was before.
I understand perfectly. I’ve been playing this game long before it was classic.
The PvP players are not the minority contrary to popular belief
In order to compete in this game you have to not only be good in pve but you have to have at least a decent pvp background as an individual and a guild.
World bosses don’t go to non pvp oriented groups. They get owned
If you want to compete in pve, you must also rank up especially as a melee or a healer for rank 14. And in general the fastest way to do that is to have a competent team and no, it’s not going to be just AV
If you want to do any decent farm that’s not in a dungeon you will need to know how to pvp. You can’t be a lotus god without it, nor are you going to make any decent money from crater. Way it’s always been.
All classes are far more engaging in pvp than pve. Mages use their literal entire toolkit in pvp but not pve. Add more to pve rotations to mages and that rotation applies to pvp, breaking it like you see in sod.
Nobody is talking about novelty. You brought that up not me.
Nobody plays for nostalgia. This is a dead horse idiots keep bringing up for no reason.
People keep playing this game because it’s a good game. Get over it
Man, most of the R14 you see on SoD are not good at PvP. It used to mean something in terms of dedication but rank is not an indicator of skills. At all.
You’re mainly gonna compete against bots but sure…
There is absolutely no connection between a PvE rotation and a PvP gameplay. Mage doesn’t use the same runes in PvP and PvE in SoD. And the state of mage PvP in SoD has nothing to do with its PvE rotation. I’m not sure you know what you’re talking about.
Of course people play for nostalgia. If you were to look at the demographic of classic players you think it’s would be a majority of 15 to 20 year old playing ?
It’s not. Most current players were dabbling into Classic in their younger years and that’s why they’re playing it now.
That doesn’t mean it’s not a good game but if you don’t get that pressing a single button for 3 hours can be boring then I don’t know what to tell you. Get over it maybe ?
I’m not talking about sod. I’m taking about classic. The real game. You don’t need to be good at pvp in sod to compete. World bosses are instanced. You don’t need to farm either
Bots are not good enough to kill a player for a spawn. This is how I know you have no idea what you’re talking about. I’ve done both lotus and ungoro autistically. Bots can’t compete with the giga farm bros
It’s generational. That doesn’t mean it’s for nostalgia
Do you think people compete in StarCraft 2 for nostalgia? Of course not. They do it because it’s one of the best RTS games
I don’t know bro. You should learn how to pvp I guess. No wonder it’s the people who don’t PvP who complain about class engagement. If you think you’re going to raidlog, and then just jump around in stormwind for the next 6 days booned and compete with the best players I’ve got a bridge to sell
What makes you think I don’t PvP ? I don’t know why you take everything so personal and create drama where there is not but you should maybe chill a bit.
I just know you don’t. I don’t mean that as an insult. But it is clear you and I both know you don’t have any in depth experience with this. That’s all.
I don’t take what you say personally. I just find it crazy that people still don’t know why people play this game after it’s been out almost 6 years now.